Chapter 29

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Slipping out my front door with a smile on my face I hear tires crunching across asphalt as my Sugar Cookie pulls up.

Walking around the hood I climb in and were off before I even have my seatbelt on. "You coming over again tonight?" I ask while laying my hand out on the console waiting for hers.

"No she will not. Not ever again"

Faster than I thought possible I snatch my hand close to me at the sound of Franks voice in the driver seat. "Mr. Walsh" surprise coating my voice "What are you doing here. Where's Bella, is she alright?" Concern quickly taking over.

"I'm here" timidly comes from the back seat. Relaxing slightly I'm still tense wondering why her father is driving us today. Did something happen I don't know about?

Coming to a jerky stop the seatbelt digs in my chest a little at the sudden force. Muted murmurs and engines inform me we are in the schools parking lot before my attention is drawn back to Mr. Walsh.

"My daughter will no longer go to your house, nor will you come to ours. I will be checking. Either find another mode of transportation or I shall drive you both here personally. You will not call or text each other, I have her phone now. No more sleepovers, no more dates. No nothing. She will walk you to your classes only because she has to and I cannot control what happens at school since I will be at work. Other than that she is grounded and you will not see each other. No exceptions." After a brief pause we were released.

The air is tense as we silently walk to our first period class. Stiffly sitting down we both wait in silence. After a few minutes I figure I'll have to be the one to talk first.

"So are we still dating?" My fingers are secretly crossed under the table.

"I would like to be. Do you?"

Placing my hand on our desk, palm up I wait for hers to slip into mine "More than anything"

Running her thumb across my skin she asks the one question I was dreading "Will you be alright alone?"

Gripping her hand tighter I let out a deep breath. "I don't know"

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