Chapter 24

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Why did I say that!

Cause if he didn't like you he wouldn't have kissed you like that you idiot

Face aflame he looks adorably flustered. "What makes you say that" completely dismissive to our actions he turns his face away.

Like a slap to the face I realize he regrets this kiss too. Steeling my emotions I try to climb off his lap with what little dignity I have left. I will not stay here to have my feeling played with.

"Wait!" Hands locked around my hips he keeps me in place over his leg "I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Please don't leave"

Looking into the forest of his eyes I see a desperation for me to stay. Slumping in my spot I stop fighting him. His face actually looks shocked I gave up to hear him out that it was so cute I had to give him a peck on the lips despite myself.

A huge grin grows in its place as his hands slide up slightly to my waist. "You're not mad I kissed you?"

The happiness on his face makes a blush grow on mine "No"

Somehow his grin gets even bigger. Waggling his eyebrow mischievously he leans in slightly. "Can I kiss you again?"

Biting my lip trying not to smile I nod my head. Cupping his face I close the distance between us craving the feel of his lips on mine.

Groaning as our mouths fused with one another, Alex carefully rolls us over till I'm on my back, giving me the chance to pull away if I want to.

Nibbling on his lower lip my finger leave a tingling path down his neck only being stopped by the collar of his shirt. Yanking the material in my hands over his head I am tempted by the spans of corded muscles before me.

Succumbed by desire my fingers splay over his physique as I suck one of his nipples into my mouth drawing a sound of choked pleasure from him in shock. Laving my way up his collarbone I soak in every shiver and sigh I invoke.

Settling over a cluster of scar tissue on his neck I give it the most attention, skimming it with parted lips before lapping at it till it turned a bright red.

"Bella..." groaning out as his fingers dig into my skin I realize I may have gotten a little carried away as gravity makes a certain someone's presence known as they graze over my thigh.

I give him credit for trying to keep his dick from touching me but the fact it got hard proves we went to far to be talking. Placing a palm on his chest I pause, amazed by how fast his heart is beating before gently pushing him to lay down next to me instead.

"Dinner will be ready soon" needing an excuse as to why I pushed him off, the sound of the table being made came as just in time. "We still need to talk anyways."


Dinner with the Clarks was...interesting.

Everyone was quiet at the table. At first James and Barbara were curious as to why I was there, especially since my car was technically parked in their driveway. After explaining the panic attack at school they insisted I stay and eat with them.

Thinking Alex was still 'under the weather' so to speak, his parents kept it a simple night not asking many questions.

However I know the real reason me and him were silent.

Seeing if we had a relationship isn't really something you talk about in front of your parents especially after the make out session we just had in his room.

Once finished cleaning up the dishes his parents went their separate ways to finish up private work matters. Taking the lead Alex walks back to his room with me following. Softly closing the door I take a seat next to him on the bed waiting for him to go first.

"Now what"


Resisting the urge to facepalm I flop back on the mattress letting my legs remain over the edge.

"I don't know Alex. You kiss me then ignore me for over a month, you tell me."

Rubbing the back of his head in discomfort he slowly leans back till he rests perpendicular to me. "Figured you wouldn't want anything to do with me after that. I'm sorry I was a jerk, I missed talking to you but was to scared to." guilt ridden and embarrassed he turns his head away.

Rolling on my side to face him I lay a hand on his shoulder "I still wanted to talk to you after it happened Alex. We could of talked about this a long time ago."

Blowing out a big puff of air he rubs over his eyes pushing the sunglasses back off his face. "I'm a guy," sitting up he places them on his nightstand before holding a hand out to me "we're not that smart when it comes to asking someone we like out"

Blushing I take his hand to climb to the headboard. "So you do want to ask me out" a teasing tone evident.

Squeezing my hand as I settle in he looks at me with his eyes completely exposed to my sight, something I learned not even his parents have seen since the accident "I can't see much of anything, need your help to get around and haven't dated since middle school but I've missed you like crazy and want to kiss you again cause that was really nice so will you be my girlfriend...please." Rushing it all out so quickly I'm surprised I understood him.

Trying not to laugh I quickly kiss his cheek before speaking in his ear "Just let me know when I have to drive us somewhere." Standing up I grab my shoes to leave.

"Wait," Alex scrambs to the edge of his bed as I put on my coat "where are you going?"

"Home. I need to move my car before my parents question why it's in your driveway."

"Can..can you come back over tonight?" awkwardly he tucks his foot under himself "I miss...cuddling"

Unable to help the grin on my face I shake my head while walking back to him to kiss him one more time. "Give me a couple hours and open your window. I'll be over when my family goes to bed."

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