Chapter 22

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"Oh my god this is so awkward" groans Emily behind her hands.

I want to argue, really I do but the lady enthusiastically and thoroughly putting a condom on a banana isn't helping.

"It's not....that bad" I cringe when she eagerly asks for volunteers to try themselves.

"Not that bad!" mocks Lizzie before viciously thrusting her arm towards the speaker "They've done everything short of a live birth in front of us to make sure we don't have sex till we're 30!"

"Shh" reprimands the substitute teacher.

As soon as his glare was off us we crowd back into each other.

"I doubt it would be that long Liz. If anything you have the dirtiest mind out of all of us" tease Emily.

"Obviously you have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit"

A squeal of a laughter escaped my lips before I slapped a hand over my mouth. Try as I might my shoulders still shake as the sub marches over to scold us.

"You three need to keep quiet. One more peep and all of you are getting detention for a week ya hear me?" they snap, splaying their spittle around nearly hitting us in the face with it.

Just as they resume their spot to the side and we face forward my phone starts to go off. Barely seeing Scotts name pop up my phone is snatched from my hands.

"That's it! Detention for all of you" Reaching for my arm the class phone rings and one of the other teachers answer it as everyone looks between them and the scene going on with me and crazy eyes over here.

"Slow down. You need Bella for what? Alex?... ok I'll tell her" As soon as I heard Alex's name I knew something was up. Scott already tried to call and there is a bad feeling in my gut. Without waiting a second I bolt out the door to the other studyhall the boys should be in with Mr Detention on my heels trying to hold me back.

Throwing my backpack off my shoulder as I slide through a curve I hear him grunt and falter in his chase giving me more of a lead.

Slamming the door open I sprint through ignoring everything else the second my eyes set sight on Alex. Clutching his desk like his life depends on it, all the color has left his face as a slight sheen of sweat mattes his hair, his breathing choppy and uneven.

I've seen him like this before. Whenever he called in the middle of the night this was the sight that would always greet me from the pain of his nightmares. Only this time he is wide awake as it happens.

Snapping my head towards the projection screen sirens and cries of pain filter through. "Turn that shit off!" I bark at the man next to the computer.

Ignoring his insolente scrambling my feet swiftly take me to Alex as the crowd parts like the red sea. Pulling myself up I slide between his arms on the desk and into his lap in one foul swoop, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Quick as a flash his arms band around my waist while his face dives down to the loose hair hanging across my collarbone, breathing me in. Like second nature our bodies begin to sway a little as I stroke his back as I focus on slowing down our breathing together. Nothing else exists but us right now.

"Shh shhh come on, breath for me. IIIIIIn and ooout. Just like that. There we go" Slowly I feel his pants for breath become more consistent.

"It happened so fast. So much glass. We just kept rolling" he rasped, agony coating every word. And I knew, I knew everyone could here. It was pin drop silent in here besides us breathing. They wanted to whisper. To spread gossip on what they thought was going on, but they were to afraid. To invested in the scene playing out before them.

"I hurt her. I hurt her." murmuring it over and over again I can feel Alex working himself up again. Pulling back slightly I grasp his head in my hands, squeezing a little to grab his attention.

"Look at me" forcefully making eye contact through his sunglasses I wait till he focuses on me, disregarding the fact he can't actually see me. Deep down in his soul I know he can. "You're a hero. You saved your cousin in that car crash, with your own damn body no less. You didn't hurt her. The other driver did. He ran the red light, he was the one to cause the accident. In a split second you made the choice to try and save her life over your own. You were the one to save her. There is one less child sized coffin in the world thanks to you and I know damn well your aunt and uncle are grateful for that fact Each. and Every. Day." speaking vehemently I don't let any self hatred slip into his heart.

For as long as I can I will be there to help Alex, and if I just so happen to nip any false gossip in the bud with the truth so be it. This was bound to be the talk of the school anyways, there's no way I'm gunna let them put him down with lies.

The brush of eyelashes across my thumbs as he nods pulls my focus and I notice his breathing even out as his body slumps a little signaling the end of his attack episode.

Cradling his head to my chest a sigh of relief escapes me. Looking over to Scott and Dave hovering nearby a jerk of my head has them picking up his bag and helping us stand. Keeping his arms around me I turn around and carry the brunt of his weight prepared to take him home. There is no way he can make it the rest of the day at school, physically or emotionally.

Passing the substitute in the doorway he doesn't say anything as he meekly hands over my bag I threw at him to one of the boys while I glare at him for trying to stop me from getting here.

No one stops me as I guide us outside. No one stops me as I put Alex in my car, and no one stops me as I drive away from school without parental permission. All the staff we cross just looks on as we pass them knowing not to intervene.

Nearly asleep when we arrive home I have to coax him out of my car before dragging his limp body to his front door. Holding him up with one arm I sort through my key ring till I find the one for his house given to me by his mother at the end of the dinner party.

Losing the battle to hold him up our bodies collapse onto his bed before he could slip from my arms. Dragging him on more properly I take off his shoes pausing on if I should do more. Knowing he likes to sleep in his boxers or flannel bottoms from my nightly visits I decide to remove his jeans so he will be more comfortable while leaving his shirt and sunglasses alone.

Walking to the ensuite I wet a washcloth and wipe the sweat from his face before laying down with him and throwing a spare blanket over us. He'll wake up in a few hours and we can talk if he wants to.

No matter what I'll always be here 

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