Chapter 18

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What the hell am I supposed to do

I've just dropped Alex off at his house and still have no idea what we should do for out valentines 'not date' date. In a couple hours I'm supposed to pick him back up for the 'amazing plans' I've come up with.

Definitely not a movie, he said he hates listening to the descriptive versions. Cooking is to boring and I don't know how safe it would be for him to use a knife, for all I know he could have been a clutz in the kitchen before and now would be even worse. A walk? No, no it's way to cold out for that.

There has to be something we can do

My sister Amy knocks on my door, breaking me from my reverie. "Hey I'm heading out to babysit"

Before I can even tell her goodbye she is out the door. Suddenly an idea comes to mind and I know exactly what we can do.


"It's been over an hour, where are we going" Slumped in his seat, Alex plays with a loose string on his shirt, complaining for the hundredth time since I told him it would be a surprise.

"We're almost there" making one last turn, I pull into the parking lot before leading him inside towards the front desk. As I talk with the employee I see Alex lift his nose, no doubt trying to ascertain where we are with his other senses. Once one of those paper bracelets, often used at fairs, are placed on our wrists we are led to a massive room full of vibrant colors.

After making sure we take our shoes off me and Alex are left by ourselves. He hasn't said a word since the car and I'm a little worried.

"Have you figured it out yet?"

Taking a few step further into the room he turns his head back and forth as if waiting for a clue to finally tell him where he is. "I smell...plastic. Lots of plastic." Turning back to face me, his face is adorably scrunched up in confusion.

"Maybe this will help" Placing my hands on his chest, I quickly push him backwards off the ledge as music starts to blast over the PA system. Jumping in after him, I make my way over to where his stunned head sticks out. "Welcome to the adult ball pit Alex. Catch me if you can."

Laughing in merriment I swim away as fast as I can, screeching when I feel him manage to grab ahold of one of my feet. The next two hours were filled with an intense game of marco-polo where Alex won the majority of the time.

Losing his sight has given him the upper hand here. For four years his life has technically been one giant game of marco-polo, using his heightened sense of hearing what happens around him. If so much as one ball shifted while I moved he knew about it. A couple times he would even throw a ball and it always hit me!

Currently I am trapped in a corner with no chance of escape. Either way I go, I would have to pass him and he could easily get me.

Hovering not even a yard away from me, a smirking Alex quietly calls out Marco one last time, caging me in my spot.

  Our faces become so close that out lips start to brush one anothers with each breath we take.  

My mind begs for him to kiss me, to move that last inch that separates us

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My mind begs for him to kiss me, to move that last inch that separates us. Just as I pluck up the courage to do it myself the door to the ball pit opens up bringing in more people causing us to pull away from one another.

Slowly we make our way to the ledge and get out. 

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