Chapter 20

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 He regrets it. I know he does.

First he wouldn't talk to me, not that I tried starting a conversation either, but he would usually say something between classes. Now it's totally silent. And when our friends figured out we kissed at lunch he became even more withdrawn.

Instead of telling me personally that he and his parents would be visiting relatives over the week long break, he had Lizzie tell me for him. The following week that he was back he never called once for me to come over and help with his nightmares, and I know they did happen. I could see it in him now that I know what he looks like after not having them when I was there.

He would brush it off if I tried to ask him about it. Now it's been almost 3 weeks since the kiss and I'm sitting in my room trying to finish my homework for the night when the doorbell goes off. Multiple voices can be heard in merriment causing my curiosity to peak.

Sneaking closer I finally notice my mother had been cooking and the dining room table has been set. Who could we be entertaining on a tuesday?

Walking further towards the living room my father spots me. "Beauty, there you are. Come, dinner will start soon." The other people turn upon my arrival and I am shocked to see Alex and his parents sitting on our couch. "This is Barbara and James Clark, you know their son Alex of course."

Thankfully my mother saves me from making a fool out of myself, letting us know to take our seats. Rising from the couch I see Mr. and Mrs. Clark hovering by Alex in what I can only assume is them trying to help him to the table.

He may be ignoring me but I still care about helping him better himself and simply walk up to him, place my hand around his arm and lead us to our destination just like in school. Once everyone is seated we begin to serve ourselves. Since I ended up next to him without thinking about it I set up his plate with what I know he likes, describing what is where on the plate as I do so for him to mentally map out eating on his own.

Finishing up my own plate I notice it is quiet except for the sound of Alex's utensils as he eats. Looking up I see the wide eyed expressions on the Clarks faces.

"They're not used to seeing me function without help" Alex mutters and he fits more food into his mouth.

Slowly everyone begins to eat and a lively conversation flows throughout the night. Memories are shared jokes are told as happiness floats around. Though everyone is having a good time Alex seems to stay out of the conversation whenever possible. I swear I answered more questions asked about school for him than he did himself!

Eventually they had to leave since us kids still had school the next day, though before parting Barbara took me aside to talk.

"I want to thank you for helping Alex"

Feeling a little awkward I try to dismiss it. "It's nothing really. I just walk him to class."

"I mean more than that." Smiling with a little shake of her head, I feel like I am missing something. "It has been so long since I saw my son happy. I nearly bursted into tears when I saw him smile again. He's made friends here, he talks to us more and that is all because of you."

"You're to kind" totally shocked I refuse to believe what she says. He isn't happy with me. He's ignored me for weeks now "I'm sure that has nothing to do with me, he just needed time to adjust to a new place. Him and Scott becoming friends was all his work."

"I'm talking about more than Scott. Scott doesn't come in the dead of the night to help my son sleep. Scott doesn't fix a plate of food just how Alex likes naturally. You do. And for that me and James are eternally grateful. I don't know what happened to make him retreat again but I know you can fix it." Taking my hand in her own she encloses something in my fist "I believe you can help our son. Whatever is making him revert back, I know you can fix it. You are always welcome at our home, please know that."

Stepping back, the Clarks finish their goodbyes and head home. Walking to my room I sit on my bed, clenched fist laying in my lap. Slowly I loosen my hold and see something I never expected to receive. 

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