Chapter 44

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Time seems to fly the next few days. With Alex's sight back there was a million things for him to see. Understandably his parents hogged him as much as they could, they even went and visited Barbara's sisters family. I got a cute photo of Tina in his arms, she by far is the cutest 6 year old I have ever seen.

When they got back we went on many nature walks, Alex watching the animals scurrying around and the leaves swaying in the trees. I got the best view of watching him take it all in. The pure wonder on his face every time he would see something "new" warmed my heart.

As much as we had time together, we didn't. Planning started right away on where we were going to visit. Since a parents trust only goes so far we all decided it was best to start local. Travel in state, then move onto other travel destinations within the United States. Once we have proven we can take care of ourselves on our own without any major complications a chunk of our college funds will be given to us to travel to other countries. Beyond that we haven't planned that far but that's a couple years away.

Right now though is a very big moment for me and Alex.

It's Graduation day

Of course our seats are practically miles apart thanks to our last names. I can at least count on Scott to be near him to talk to.

After all the speeches and honor roll students on stage, it's finally time for the rest of our class to get their diploma.

The students in the front rows line up to walk the stage, A's and B's go relatively fast and the C's start. The few ahead of Alex walk the steps, shake hands with faculty and grab their Diploma and walk off in an orderly fashion.

Alex is next and I chuckle a little when I see teachers trying to help herd him along. Suddenly he slaps his sunglasses into someones hands and the stupefied expression on their face has me trying so hard to keep from cackling. Grabbing his Diploma with a growing smile on his face it's a full on grin when he passes the podium. Leaning over the procter he speaks clearly into the mic with a certain amount of glee "Eye surgery does wonders don't you think?"

Nearly all the students start laughing, our friends and families, myself included, roar our cheer as he happily waves as he walks off. After a minute or so the faculty is back on track and the rest of the graduating class proceeds.


"You little shit!"

The ceremony is over and everyone is outside getting their photos taken when suddenly Scott tackles Alex and starts to give him a noogie, though arguably it was with love, not that they'd admit it.

"When the hell did that happen?" After a brief tussle where the rest of our friends show up Scott playfully tosses him away to ask his question.

"Technically a couple weeks ago but it was official last week."

"Why didn't you tell us?" This time it's Liz who asks

Straightening Alexs cap and gown I answer for him. "The procedure had never been done before so we didn't want to get anyones hopes up incase it didn't work. It had a long recovery time and school was over before we knew what the results would be."

"Lol neat" Everyone got a chuckle out of Emilys eloquent response before we were hounded by all our parents group photos. After a blinding amount of flashes later there are plans made to all go out to dinner so that our friends can "better interrogate" us on the sudden recovery of Alexs eyesight.

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