Chapter 38

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The soft rays of the morning sun woke me from my bliss induced slumber. Alex is pressed against my back, his arm wrapped around my chest as his breathing ghosts across my skin. This is not an unusual occurrence for us, after sharing a bed for a few months now as our relationship progressed from friendship to romantic.

What is an unusual occurrence is the fact I can feel his arm across my bare chest.

Wonderful, delicious and dare I say erotic memories push to the surface and I realize my boobs arn't the only thing exposed to the pure flesh-on-flesh encounter of our bodies under the sheets. The entire length of Alex is sandwiched against me, and I do mean entire length in both relations.

My mind doesn't know what to focus on first. Alex admitting he loves me, the sex, our friends and my sister are sure to wake soon, the sex, I lost my virginity, we both technically lost our virginity, the sex.

Ok I think I know what my mind wants to focus on as a blush comes to my cheeks.

Biting my lip a smile stretches across my face as I try not to squeal in delight. Last night was amazing. It just felt so right to be with him. We were awkward at times in our naivety in the ways of sex but we quickly worked our way through any blunders empowered by passion and love.


Knowing our feelings are mutual is so mind boggling. Not that Alex hasn't shown any affection, he has shown more than plenty in our time together, just he's so different from the boy he once was back in January. All aloof and indifferent to what was going on around him.

Now he jokes with his friends, is more social, hell he even seems more excited about prom this Friday than me! Alex has opened his heart to others and that makes me love him even more than I possibly could have imagined back when I decided to be his friend when I was assigned to guide him around so long ago.

A flex in the arm around me and change in his breathing lets me know he has finally woken up. Winding my arm back behind his head I turn mine, graced with a good morning kiss.

"Hey" my voice is soft spoken not wanting to ruin the beauty of this relaxed morning.

Deep and rough his responding "hey" has me fighting the urge to make use of our current undress and his semi morning wood. Powering through I roll over to deposit another lasting kiss to his lips, backing away before things get to carried away.

"We should start getting ready before somebody comes looking for us and gets an eyeful." Regretting me words as I say them my traitorous eyes fall to the tent barely contained by the edge of the sheets moved by my departure. Stay strong Bella, there will be more opportunities. You can do this, walk away from the scrumptious man and get a set of clothes for after your shower.

Forcing myself to head the orders of the voice in my head I quickly rummage through my luggage. Grabbing what I need a thought makes me pause in my tracks as Alex slides past me to grab himself some clothes.

Clutching my bundle to my chest with one hand I open the window in our room with the other. A decent breeze blows the curtains around and I briefly find relief in the fact our room doesn't face any interesting locations that our friends could happen to be walking.

"What's with the open window? This place is cranking out its A/C." Amusement coats his voice as Alex half turns in his bent over position to cast me a quirked smile.

Face flushed red I mumble out "the smell"

"Huh?" either confused or not able to understand me I watch as he stands giving me his full attention.

Groaning out behind my hands in embarrassment I look to see him waiting expectantly. "The smell. The sex smell! I'm trying to clear it out alright!"

Equal parts embarrassed and pleased he adorably scratched the back of his neck "I guess I should probably take another shower too huh?" a playful smirk tilting his lips as he walks forward towards me and the bathroom.

"No!" planting my free hand on his chest and compelling myself not to look down I quickly continue before any insecurities kick in. "If you join me it will be to tempting..." my eyes look down and stare at the sight of his almost fully hard cock in uninhibited sunlight "T-tempting" traitorous eyeballs I mentally huff before forcing my brain to focus. "I'll be out quick, try not to miss me to much." Quickly bouncing on my toes I plant a hard peck on his lips and high tail it into the bathroom behind me.

Right after swiftly closing the door I open it back up a crack and peak out, "Love you" and close it again on his stupefied face. A bark of laughter gets muted as the water begins to pour out of the shower head.


Thankfully breakfast was perfectly casual. No innuendos in sight gave me the relief that nobody heard us. Something I realized we failed to take into consideration in the heat of the moment last night. Either way I am eternally grateful and currently sneaking batches of bedding into the washer and dryer as everyone is hanging out around the house and pool.

There was no way I was leaving any signs in Scotts relatives house. If somebody found out there was teenage sex going on I'm sure he would have hell to pay and I would totally understand if he ratted us out. So, taking the safe road all physical evidence shall be erased.

Condom already taken care of by four layers of garbage bags and stuffed in a neighbor's trash can all that's left is to finish remaking the bed, something that was going to be done anyway to hide the evidence of the pool party, and nobody but her and Alex would be the wiser.

Peeking out the laundry room for anyone passing by with my cargo spilling out of my arms I book it to our room placing another layer down before heading to the backyard.

Lunch time has come and gone as well and brought a cooler climate to the air allowing everyone to simply enjoy being outside instead of baking under the sun like the past week has been.

Spotting Alex on a lounger under an umbrellas shade talking with Dave I make my way over sliding on with him tucking myself under his arm enjoying the rest of our relaxing day together with our friends.

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