Chapter 28

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Yesterday had been dreadful. After retaking a test I nearly failed the first time, missing the last of my favorite food at lunch and starting my period in the middle of gym class sleeping with Alex was the only good thing to happen. Though it technically happened at night so mondays still suck.

Looking for my phone to check the time I see that dawn is almost upon us and begin to freak out. Bolting from the bed I quickly pull on my shoes and coat.

"Whats going on" groggy from his slumber, a sloth like Alex stretches himself awake.

"We overslept and will be late if we don't leave soon. I forgot a change of clothes so I'll meet you outside after I head home to get dressed." Leaning over my side of the mattress I place a brief pec on his cheek before bolting out the front door and across our frigid lawns to my bedroom window.

Grunting as I haul myself through my windowsill with little to no grace I nearly fall face first before managing to catch myself and finish sliding through trying to be as quiet as possible. Lowering the glass pane and locking it I slowly walk backwards from it as if alarms would suddenly go off if I look away.

Stopping at my closet I quickly rummage through it for clothes and turn to get dressed when a startled screech leaves my lungs.

Arms crossed and a frown of disappointment etched across my fathers face greets me in my doorway.

"I heard your alarm going off for a while," he starts off "so I came to check if you were ok. Imagine my surprise when instead of finding you sick or hurt all I see is a made bed with your phone on top."

Untucking an arm he tosses something at me. Catching it I see it's my phone and the screensaver has me cringing. Me and Alex kissing is front and center.

"Turning off your alarm I get an eyeful. Now you're sneaking in through your window coming from his house. Anything you want to tell me?"

Guilty my head bows under his scrutiny. "We-We've been uh, me and Alex we're, we're dating now."

"How long"

Shifting on my feet I meekly reply "Three weeks as of yesterday"

"It hasn't been a month and you are already sleeping with him? I expected better from you." Disappointment coats his words.

"That's not true, I first started sleeping there over two months ago." My quick rebuttal to plead my innocence ended up sounding far worse, digging me even deeper into the hole I find myself to be in.

Distressed my father shakes his head back and forth before turning around to leave.

"Get dressed for school, you're going to be late. We will discuss this with your mother later."

Closing the door behind him I complete the fastest wardrobe change I've ever done before while on the toilet changing my pad. Slipping my shoes back on while rushing to the kitchen to grab something to quickly eat on the way to school I see my parents huddled close together, no doubt my dad is filling her in on his recent discovery. I quickly try to grab my keys and leave unnoticed.

Unfortunately luck doesn't seem to be on my side lately as my fathers hand lands over my own stopping my attempt to leave.

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