Chapter 19

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The car ride back was quiet. I don't know if it was because I was lost in my own thoughts but we were already home quicker than I expected.

My brain was begging me to say something. The crunch of snow under our feet as we slowly walk to my door was insanely deafening. "I had fun, thank you"

Receiving only a distracted 'mhmm' in return I feel my hackles raise. What the hell happened? She was all laughs and giggles earlier. Ever since we left the ball pit she's been acting different, quiet. Bella doesn't do quiet.

Is she upset I kept winning? No, she always seemed happy when I caught her. Except...

Except the last time. Was she afraid I would kiss her? Is she repulsed by my scars that bad? But, I swear I felt her start to lean in, just a little bit before more people arrived. She couldn't have wanted me to actually kiss her...right?

"Home sweet home" She's fidgeting. I can tell. Usually she takes the time to make sure I make it inside but tonight it feels like she'll bolt the second I get the lock open. With my hand hovering over the knob I decide to throw caution to the wind, it's valentine's day. If I can't do it now, when can I?

"Fuck it"

Reaching out for her, my hand finds the side of her neck. Sliding it up slightly into her hair, I pull her face forward melding my lips over hers.

Feeling her hand fly to my chest, I expect her to push me away only to have her pull me in closer causing me to lean more into the kiss

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Feeling her hand fly to my chest, I expect her to push me away only to have her pull me in closer causing me to lean more into the kiss. Breaking away to breath my cheeks burst into flames almost instantly.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow" Opening my door I quickly enter before closing it behind me. Rushing to my room I fail to sense my parents on the couch, totally gobsmacked to what they saw through the window without either one of us knowing.


Going to school the next day there was definitely a shift in the air.

Everyone was quieter than usual in our little circle of friends. I will admit I am curious if the plan for 'Davily' actually worked but I am to lost in my own problems to ask. To do so I would have to talk to Sugar Cookie and I am far to embarrassed by my actions last night to even look in her general direction.

What if she never wanted to be kissed? Could I have ruined this friendship, and yes I do want this friendship now. Before she was a thorn in my side, but now I can't help but wonder how I ever lived without her. She makes me comfortable in my own skin. Something I haven't felt in years.

She doesn't see me as the blind kid. She doesn't ignore my very existence or try to be overly sympathetic like all the other students. No, she sees me as a normal human being, treats me like any other person out there. And I quite possibly fucked up the most genuine friendship I've ever had by kissing her.

The bell rings, ending 4th period study hall sending us to lunch. Sitting at our table my mind keeps whirling, arguing back and forth.

She kissed me back though, pulled me to her. If she didn't want the kiss she would of shoved me away, slapped me in the face, screamed, done something. Okay, I accept it, she did want the kiss...but does she regret it now?

"Alright," the sound of a tray being dropped onto the table accompanies Lizzies voice as she roughly sits down "Clearly I missed something the few days I was gone. David and Emily look like they want to run to the janitors closet eat each others faces, Alex and Bella have permanently red faces and somehow Scott now sits with us. Geez, ya visit your grandparents in Florida and come back to an alternate universe."

When nobody answers for quite some time Scott decides to speak up "Dave finally grew some balls and asked Em out-"

"Hey I resent that" A smile twitches on my lips at his interruption that I try to hide by taking a sip of my drink, only to choke on it as Scott keeps talking.

"And those two made out" Instantly someone is smacking my back as I struggle for air. "Dude, I was only joking!" Once I could finally breath again I tried to quell the flames scorching across my cheeks to no avail.

"! It's true though. I can see it on your faces!" Squeals Emily.

I stand to storm away but that hope gets quickly squashed making me sit back down and hide my face in my arms and hood on the table with an irritated groan. Their stares permeate my poor excuse of defenses, growing more unsettling the longer I ignore it.

"Yes we kissed," I raise my head to hiss at them "It happened, get over it" stuffing my head back down for protection, I pray the bell rings soon to end this torture.

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