Chapter 30

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The days since my father found out me and Alex were dating have been slow and uneventful. Coming home from school with my dad driving us again was the worst of it. As soon as Alex shut his door my dad backed out of his driveway before he even made it to his front door.

The second we made it inside the arguing began. As expected my phone and car were revoked from me, but when he started calling me promiscuous and threatened to board my window shut I started to fight back.

Chasing after him as he went in search of his hammer and nails I yell at his back.

"You're overreacting. Nothings happened," Ignoring that things did get a little heated last night before we fell asleep but there was no way I was gunna tell him that. "He has trouble sleeping so I help him. I've been helping him since the beginning of February, we didn't become a couple till recently. All we do is sleep."

Standing up from his bent over position over his tool box he points the head of his hammer at me, shaking it to narrate the anger in his words "Just sleeping? Just sleeping! He has more on his mind than sleeping I can assure you. If he could sleep without you before he can and will do it now."

Marching to the garage he swipes up some rouge wood before heading for my room. At this point my mom happens to show up and questions what's going on.

"Your daughter is sleeping with the neighbor boy-"

Fed up I but in before I even think about what I'm saying "All we do is sleep, I'm still a virgin for christs sakes!" Cheeks aflame I can't look my dad in the eye. "Mom calm him down," I beg "he's trying to board up my window."

Thankfully my mom coupled with my admission were enough to stop him from his designated plan, though I did end up losing my door instead.

Me and my father practically ignore each other now besides when he has to drive me for school, my mother has chosen to remain neutral much to my dads disapproval and my sister is gloating her freedom in my face whenever she leaves the house. She even took up taking walks around the block just to prove she could and I couldn't.

It's now been two and a half weeks and I just finished the last of my homework leaving me nothing to do for the upcoming weekend besides wallow in my solitude the entire time. Again.

Usually me and Alex would find some date activity to do together or hang out with our friends to pass the time but being on house arrest the most exciting thing to happen is grocery shopping and we already did that yesterday.

A knock on my door- correction, door frame stops me from staring longingly out my window to Alex's house as I try to come up with things to keep myself busy the next couple days.

Looking over my mother's kind face stares back at me. "Dinners ready" she says softly.

Nodding back I begin to pack up my school work before heading to the dining table. Waiting for everyone to get their food first I take from what's left.

After so long the only sound of utensils against plates and chewing becomes deafening in the still tense atmosphere. No longer able to eat with my stomach in knots I push my food around, nibbling here and there to keep up appearances.

Finally everyone else finishes and I excuse myself to my room changing for bed even though it's still early. I find there is nothing of interest to do so why bother being awake.


Waking with a jolt I look to my clock to see it's 2 in the morning. Half dazed it takes me a moment to realise Alex is talking through the walkie I stashed under my pillow.

He had been doing so good lately when I used to sleep over and hasn't called for me once since our forced separation that I guiltily admit I forgot about his nightmares. If he is calling for me now he must truly be desperate and unable to calm himself down.

Whispering back words of encouragement I let him know I will be right over. His reply gets garbled and I become more concerned. Quickly but quietly I creep to my front door ready to head over but as soon as I open it I nearly scream in fright.

Thankfully I was able to stop myself or else I would have just outed a panting, sweaty and frazzled Alex nearly falling off my porch.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss at him as I grab his arm to direct him to our couch after closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss at him as I grab his arm to direct him to our couch after closing the door behind him

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Pulling me in for a tight hug his words come out in pieces "nightmare...couldn't breathe...needed you...came..over...told you over...the walkie"

So that's what he said at the end, I muse to myself.

Lowering us to sit down I continue to run my hands over his back, which I now notice is shirtless for once as he usually keeps one on unless he has had a truly horrible nightmare and rips it off in his sleep like the first time I stayed over.

Gently rocking and soothing him I finally notice that at some point we had moved to lay across the seats just as his breath evens out. Feeling my eyelids get heavier I decide to let him rest a little bit before sending him home so my dad never finds out he was here.

Five, ten minutes tops and I'll wake him up.

That's the last thing I remember before the night takes hold of me too.

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