Chapter 34

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"Ugghh school is so boring. I want the weekend to come" groans Lizzie as we wait for the sub to figure out what they are teaching us in science.

"You do realize yesterday was Sunday right?" amused by her antics I see Alex's lip quirk up while still facing forward.

"Yes I know," she replies hotly "But now it's Monday and I have to wait and suffer through all these classes before I can enjoy the warm weather." huffing out a breath her next sentence comes out as a whine "I wanna go swimming"

"That actually sounds like fun" finally speaking up myself I start to get excited. Well until I realize a big problem in our plan "but nobody has a pool" slouching in my seat I sport a matching pout to Liz.

"Well there goes that idea"


A couple periods later it's finally lunch and me and Emily are going over the practice exam Mrs. Cook gave us for math. I got 156 for my answer on a question and she got 32. Clearly one, if not both of us are wrong, so now we are trying to figure out where we strayed in our formulas while the others chatter on.

Just as we were figuring where we strayed, a bouncy Liz squeezes in squealing with delight.

"We're having a pool party!" Seeing my brows scrunch in confusion she explains while shaking my shoulders with every word "Scott has some relative who has a pool. Apparently they are totally chill and barely use it so all he has to do is ask and the place is ours for the whole weekend!"

"Woah, wait the whole weekend?" Not believing somebody would just give up their house to a bunch of teens I look to Scott with a incredulous expression "Why on earth would they do that?"

"I guess I'm the favorite cousin" shrugging with a smirk full of himself he stretches his arms to cross behind his head "Plus they are out of town for a couple weeks and I'm already watering their plants."

A round of laughter filters through the air at his cheeky grin.

Plans are made on who brings what, there's no way we are going without food and various snacks. Once thats all set and the bell rings the only thing needed is to ask our parents to let us go.

The truth may be stretched just a wee bit


Ever since I got home I've kept putting off asking. Now dinner is almost over and I fear if I don't do it now I never will.

"So I've been invited to a pool party this weekend" nervously chewing on some carrots I add on quickly "it's more of a sleepover than party though"

My mom is the first to speak up "Who invited you?"

"Liz did" technically it was her idea "Emily is gunna be there too" along with Scott Alex and Dave I neglect to add.

Scraping the contents of her plate closer together she raises her fork but stops just before her mouth "I don't remember her family having a pool."

"One of my friends has a relative who has one they'll let us use" that friend just happens to be Scott, again also neglected. 

"Okay, I don't see any harm in it. Do you know if you'll be gone the whole weekend?"

Pausing to think about it I realize we never really discussed how long we were staying "I don't know yet but I can ask them at school tomorrow."

"That's fine, just let us know when you do." Smiling in thanks I finish off the last bite of my food only to have my father say one of the worst things ever.

"Be sure to take your sister with you"

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