Chapter 17

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They have been gone for 5 minutes now. What could possibly be taking so long, you look and leave. Simple as that. There is no reason Scott and Sugar Cookie need to interact past that.

Unless he's asking her to the dance

She wouldn't say yes...would she? What if I needed her and she was to busy sneaking off with him behind the bleachers to hear me call? I'm totally over reacting, there is no way there is anything between the two of them. They were in opposite circle before I introduced them. What if I'm the reason they get together?

I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't notice they've come back till their seat squeak by the sudden weight.

"I can not believe the kiss that just happened" They kissed? Why does she sound breathless

"Definitely hot, that's for sure" Scott let's out a low whistle of appreciation and it takes all I have not to throttle him. Thankfully I am saved from their incessant flirting by the bell ringing.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Apparently choosing to ignore someone doesn't work well when you need them to know where you're going. Standing still in the middle of the hallway I can feel her stare burning into my skin the longer we stay here.

"Tell me Alex. What happened in the short time I was gone. You were the happiest I've ever seen you and now you're trying to run away with a scowl on your face. Tell me" She started out strong, her voice demanding answers. But the more she said the quieter she got, till she was barely speaking in a whisper, losing her confident self along the way. I did that. I made her feel inferior with my cold attitude over something that I have no business worrying over.

Feeling stupid for the way I was acting I decide to lie "Just wondering what I'll be doing Wednesday night. Can't really go to the dance, ya know?"

"Oh" Slowly we start to move again, the halls nearly empty now as the last few stragglers haven't made it to class yet. "We could always go out if you want. I mean not go out 'go out' but like hang out as friends, not like a date, cause we're not dating. Just friends. Friends who hang out. We are friends now right?"

She rambled that off so quick I'm surprised I managed to understand it all. "I wouldn't want to make you miss the dance just for me. You can go if you want." please say no

"It's fine, honest. I didn't really wanna go anyways so I would of been just sitting in my room. This way we could do something fun. I mean if you want to."

I find that I am far to pleased she doesn't have a date with Scott, or anyone for that matter. There's no reason to be feeling this way, yet I still do.

"Looking forward to it."

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