Chapter 32

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Words cannot describe how proud I am of Alex right now.

For the first time in years he is letting others see what he goes through. All the pain and anger coupled with the fear he's experienced is out in the open.

Despite only knowing him for about four months I have seen the change in him from that angry boy who walked into the classroom completely done with what life has given him. No longer does he stay isolated and mute. Instead he has created lasting friendships, jokes with others and smiles with the world.

I know his parents have seen it too, they've said as much to me before on multiple occasions. The son they knew before the crash is slowly coming back.

Barbara and James remain on their side of the dinner table, swallowing down the flow of tears and obvious guilt they harbor from sending him over the edge. Though despite this you can see how proud they are of Alex for standing up for himself. Overcoming the hardships he's went through and coming out stronger on the bright side of the ground.

My father on the other hand....

My father isn't invested to Alex's mental health. He won't care besides what is human decency about the subject.

Hands trembling despite the near death grip we hold over each other, Alex and I wait on his verdict. For a while all I can hear is the pounding of my heart in my ears and the diminishing pant for breath as Alex calms down from his speech.

Finally, he slowly pushes his seat back and rises. Holding a steady gaze his voice dominates the air.

"You truly care for my daughter?"

Straightening his spine and squaring his shoulders Alex speaks matter-of-factly "Yes sir, more than anything"

"What makes you so sure? How do I know, any of us know, that you aren't using her. Tell me Clark, what makes her so special to you." Squinting in scrutiny my fathers whole persona dares him to choose his words wisely.

Taking a moment to think, his voice comes out clear and strong "Her soul. Her soul is beautiful, carrying into everything she does. Bella cares about those around her. She makes it her mission to help others. I'm a better man because of her, without her in my life I don't know where I would be. There's no one else out there for me and I plan to continue to date her, with or without your blessing. Though I would prefer to have it, sir."

I can't breathe. My heart swells hearing him say all this.

Turning slightly I nussle into him, placing a hidden peck into his skin. Letting go of our joined hands, his arm slides across my back and around my waist pulling me into his chest. Encircling him in my hold I raise my head to my father waiting on his judgement.

A moment of silence ensues as he just stares at us. "Sit down" Walking over to the kitchen island he rummages around one of the drawers before returning to the table where everyone is reseated.

"You break her heart I'll break your balls, understand?"

Visibly paling Alex jerkily nods his head.

Tossing a small box in front of him, it clanks against the silverware and plate. "I hope these don't need to be used anytime soon" my father mutters as he walks away, "but it's better than the alternative."

Everyone leans in to see what landed on Alex's plate before recoiling with secondhand embarrassment, coughing out their discomfort.

"Please tell me it's not bullets"

Face aflame I shake my head, "N-no it's not- it's not bullets"

Picking it up he gives it a shake making the contents rattle around. Another jostle before his fingers disrupt the glue at the tab opening it out into his hand.

"Packets?" Furrowing his brow in confusion we all watch on as he turns the box over and over in his hands, tracing the raised lettering. "M-Mag...Magnum" My face feels like it's on fire as I hide behind my hands. "Cond-oh!" Like the offending box burned him it's dropped in a flash, hands pulled back as far as they can.

A heavy beat passes as everyone shifts in their seats.

"So...Does that mean I got his permission?" A corner of his lips quirk up as he turns towards me.

Rolling my eyes so hard I'm surprised they didn't fall out, I punch him in the shoulder as our families bust out laughing.

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