Chapter 35

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"Ireland could be interesting. Or Germany" Me and Beauty have been listing off places we'd want to visit one day while looking for swimwear for this weekends pool party.

After a brief pause she comes up with her suggestion "Hmmm, what about... cinco de mayo, but actually in Mexico?"

Thinking about the cultural experience as I nod my head back and forth contemplating, my fingers feel the swim trunks on the rack in front of me. "That's actually a good one. There would be an abundance of sounds, smells and tastes for me to enjoy. What color are these?" I ask holding up a pair that had an interesting patch work feel to it for her to see.

A hard burst of laughter shoots from her lips upon my choice making me quite curious as to how it could make her laugh in such a manner.

"Oh my god! Alex, baby no" my lovely Sugar Cookie giggles taking the hanger from my hands. Holding it up to my hips a soft chuckles flitters through the air. "It's neon orange"

My face has never twisted in disgust faster in my life. Bella's hand cups my face, trying to kiss my frown away with great difficulty since she can't seem to stop laughing. "Oh hardy har-har, laugh it up" rolling my eyes I can't even get mad listening to the sweet sounds she makes "aren't you supposed to be helping me to make sure this doesn't happen?" Wrapping my arms around her I pull her frame into my chest till her body settles down.

"I'm sorry" a rogue giggle escaping her as her arms loop around me "it was just so un-you I was surprised you picked it"

Burying my head in her hair I squeeze her a little tighter while murmuring in her ear "Well I was surprised when you called me 'baby' but you don't see me laughing." Freezing in my grasp, even a cute gasp escapes her. I can't help the smirk that fights to show on my face. "As much as I appreciate you finally giving me a pet name, you couldn't have picked anything more masculine?" I tease

"Shut up" embarrassment coating her voice.

Oh this is gunna be fun I think evilly.

"I mean there's hunky monkey, stud muffin, hot stuff, dreamboat-"

"Pain in my ass" she quips

"Worlds best Coc-" smothering her hands over my mouth Bella prevents me from finishing my sentence. My body shakes with mirth at the no doubt blush she is sporting.

"Shush, just shush. We only have a couple days to get you something to wear and I will not have you getting us sidetracked." Trying to escape this conversation less than gracefully, she slips one hand off my smiling face reaching towards the rack I had been sifting through "Here, this ones a nice navy color. Go see if it fits." Shoving me towards a dressing room with gusto, the door closes with a resounding slam.

Chuckling to myself I strip down and try on the trunks she gave me. Ready to keep teasing her I open the door and step out for her to see how they look when her voice makes me stop short in shock.

"Okay so maybe we could work with stud muffin, but ya gotta get those"

Once, twice, three times I blink before throwing my head back and roaring with laughter.

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