Chapter 40

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Pulling up to the Clarks residence a couple days later after school, I'm surprised to find another car parked in their driveway.

"Is your family expecting someone?"

"Not that I know of."

Stepping out we both make our way to the front door and follow the sound of voices to the living room.

"-most likely chance of succeeding if you decide to choose the option I have put forth."

Walking in Barbara is the one to respond to the man sitting in the armchair. "It's not up to us to decide. This affects Alex's life directly, only his decision matters here."

"My decision on what" making our presence known, both of his parents jump in their spot on the couch.


"Mom what's going on, who are you talking to?"

This time it's James who speaks "Your mother and I have been looking into a way to help you get your vision back. We never told you because we didn't want to get your hopes up if nothing ever came of it."

Stupefied Alex nearly collapses into the loveseat by the doorway " long. How long have you been doing this"

"About a year after the accident. You were taking it so hard...we just wanted to help. Braille was so difficult at the time for you to remember. We just thought...if you could see again..."

"That I would be happy" he said softly "I am happy now. I've accepted it's a part of me, you don't have to do this."

"We know but... Dr. Diviak, they may actually be able to do it." at his prolonged silence Frank goes on "For the longest time the risk was to great and the chance of succeeding to low to even mention it to you. We believe he may have a shot."

"Why now, what makes him so different" The scared wobble in his voice pulls at my heart. Moving from my spot behind him I round his seat to join him, letting him take my hand when he reaches for it.

"I will be honest with you Mr. Clark. The surgery I am proposing is still experimental. Our technology has taken many stages of advancement to come to this point where I deem it most beneficial it can get at this point in time and I'd like to take it to human trials-"

"You want to use me like a guinea pig" growls Alex

"Not at all." the doctor is quick to deny "I wouldn't be here if the likelihood of this working was under 60%. As it is, there is a minimum of 73% my surgery shall work, once I examine your eyes, with your permission of course, I will be able to determine a higher calculation for your personal success rate." Carefully he chooses is next words "Mr. Clark I will not force this on you but trust me, I believe in my ability to help you see again. All you have to do is say yes."

Looking over at him I can see him contemplating it in his head. The war inside him is so strong, pressured into a quick response he can't find it in him to choose. "Come with me" Standing up I take Alex with me turning to head down the opposite end of the house. "We'll we back"

Closing the door behind me I join Alex on his bed sitting next to him, taking his hand in mine and simply waiting. Around five minutes later he finally speaks.

"If this works...would you come with me?"

"Of course I'd go with you for the surgery."

"Not the surgery" he shakes his head and turns towards me removing his sunglasses with his free hand "If I can see... then I want to See. All the places we talked about. Rome, Spain, China... I want to travel the world with you. I want to see your face, see your smile, your blush. I love you Bella, your the only one I'd want by my side."

"Alex..." I'm positively speechless. The genuine sincerity to his words and the way I can see the truth in his eyes has me floored. We always talked about places to travel but we both knew it wasn't likely to be possible but now... now he could. And he wants me to go with him.

Brushing my fingertips across the faint stubble of his chin my lips find his in a slow sweet kiss

"I would follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked. I love you so much Alex, even if the surgery doesn't work at all we'd find a way to explore the world. Together."

Groaning his mouth plunges forward, devouring my own "You sure know how to make a man want to make love to you Beauty"

"Mmm" I let a few more happen before eventually pulling back lest I take him up on that offer with everyone down the hall. "First you have to tell Dr. Diviak you'll hear him out." 

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