Chapter 21

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It's been about a month since we've stopped talking. A little over a week since my family had dinner with hers. Now I'm sitting in a completely new classroom to me, next to Scott as this stupid speaker drones on and on about prom safety. The dangers of drunk driving. Likelihood of accidents yada-yada. Believe me if anyone knows anything about car accidents it's me, resident blind student party of one.

I swear he has said the same thing five times already. From what I've surmised, all the guys from our class are stuck here in this lecture while the girls are with some other drone yammering on about safe sex I guess. At some point we are going to switch. I only hope we finally get to eat lunch cause I'm starving!

We have like two months till that happens. I mean yeah there are those idiots who drink before they're even 21 and try and spike the comunal punch bowl in a cheesy chick flick from I don't know the 90's or whatever, but seriously give our generation some slack here. We're not that stupid to actually try it.

Oh who am I kidding, we are going down in history as the generation eating tide pods for shits and giggles.

Suddenly the sound of a video playing perks my ears. Bad acting and the rustle of fabric Flows over the speakers.

I can tell they are in a vehicle of some sort. By the background noises it seems they are goofing off and knowing the speaker, not paying attention to the road. An overly exaggerated female scream cuts through the air before the squealing of tires and crunch of metal and glass in a never ending cycle filters through my ears.

Suddenly I'm no longer sitting behind my desk in school but back in Ohio behind my father and uncle on our way to get ice cream with Tina in her car seat next to me.

The bright flash of head lights, the feel of the hard impact making the air escape my lungs with brutal force, the sheer torturous pain along my side and throughout my face, they all come crashing back to me with a vengeful force catching me off guard before I have the chance to even think about calming down.

"Alex" a whisper tries to scream into my conscious "Alex" again, with more force. Scott, Scott is calling me. But it's no use, only one person can help me now.

"GET...BELLA" My voice comes out in deep rough pants, vaguely I am aware of my fingers digging into the edge of my desk as I try to ground myself to the present. Failing miserably I slip back into the cycle of my greatest nightmare.

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