Chapter 43

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Finally the day has come for the wraps to officially come off. Normally a person only has to worry for a day or two when getting eye surgery but that is for a whole other procedure that by this point is well known on how it works. Me however, I'm an exception.

Because my procedure was so, shall we say intrusive, Dr. Diviak didn't want to run the risk of an early victory corrupting his work. So the wraps stayed on.

For two Weeks

It wasn't all bad. Sugar Cookie was there helping me with my recovery, though I admit I enjoyed "Doctor Bellas" form of healing, dark room empty house and scattered blankets, far more than the reapplied gauze to my eyes on a consistent schedule by the actual Doctor.

At least after the first couple days of having a band around my head the whole time it got downgraded to patches over each eye, easily hideable behind my sunglasses. And just in time to head back to school that monday.

The whole time I was healing no one noticed the extra blockade and asked questions. It was a huge relief off my shoulders not having to tell anyone incase it didn't end up working out. The only ones to know were my parents and Bella, though I guess there is the exception of her family and the Doctor but they're not really going to say something in the middle of science class you know.

A low knock brings me back to the present. Sitting in an exam room waiting on Dr. Diviak to remove the last set of patches from my eyes so I can see if I can, well see.

"Come in" my voice may sound strong but I am a bundle of nerves inside.

"Mr. Clark, are you ready to see?"

"Only one way to find out I guess" that brings a slight chuckle from him as he tinkers around the room from what I can tell getting tools and placing them on a tray nearby.

"I guess so too." Finally coming to stand by me I sense him pause. "Alex" his voice soft and comforting, his next question makes me realize how tense I am on the table "would you like to bring someone in to be here with you?"

Because this is a first time case for the medical world and such a small room, at least so I've been told, there wasn't enough room for my family to be in here and the Doctor to work. So they were asked to wait outside as the final test gets done.

"Can I have Bella?" I know I should probably ask for a parent to come in but the truth of the matter is, I want Bella to be the first thing I see.

"Of course"

A brief moment later and quiet murmur into the hall I'm joined by my Sugar Cookie on the table. Her hand in mine the slight tug of latex begins around my eyes removing the medical tape.

"Be sure to keep your eyes shut till I say. I have the room lights dimmed but it may hurt at any brightness till you adjust."

I say nothing as I focus on controlling my breathing keeping it calm and steady. All to soon the last of it is off.

"Alright, I want you to very carefully open your eyes slowly. If it hurts it's alright to close them till you get your bearings. Then I will perform a few tests to see how well the surgery worked."

Taking a deep breath I turn away from the Doctor towards my right. Slightly cracking my eyes open I notice a faintness of light but otherwise it's the usual darkness I remember from before the surgery. Almost at a snail's pace I work on opening my eyes till they are halfway open. A strand of hair catches my attention before my lids open wide in shock.


My throat chokes up with emotion. I can't believe it

"I can see. I can see you"

A sob rips through her, I spot tears welling up in her eyes, hazel just like she said. My eyes dart all over her taking in what my hands have known for months. God shes so "Beautiful. My Beauty"

Reaching out my hands tremble as they frame her face pulling her in for a kiss, my eyes watching as hers close. Scanning her face my lips grow more frantic the more I discover. I want to learn every inch of her skin, memorise every freckle mole and scar on her body till the only thing I know is her.

A rather exaggerated cough breaks us apart informing me it wasn't the first one. Not by a longshot.

Prying my eyes away from the girl in my arms I turn my attention to the stout man in a lab coat and gloves by the wall.

"If I may?" amusement shines through his tone before quickly getting serious "I'm going to increase the rooms light a little then take a look at your eyes, let me know if this is to bright for you."

Only then do I finally notice the room is borderline pitch black, just enough light to faintly see around. Slowly the room becomes more visible like the dawning sun in the morning. Still relatively dark Dr. Diviak leaves the dial switch and comes towards me and plays with my eyes for a few minutes, the light pen making my eyes water more than the joy of seeing Bella did.

Increasing the rooms light a little more one of those weird eye tester things that look like an alien head with a bunch of eyes is pulled over and placed in front of me where I proceed to have a full on eye exam like I remember seeing my parents do as a kid. Needless to say, I am tired of the numbers 1 and 2 by the time it is done.

After that was over the room went from roughly a lamp light to almost full brightness, both of them watching me the whole time as my eyes adjust. Once deemed stable my parents were allowed in and the Doctor went over his diagnosis.

"The surgery worked" my mother and father cut him off with their cheers of joy as they both hug me "his eyes have done very well. I am pleased with how they react to light, their coloring is still strong and his ability to identify shapes and letters are in focus for him. Though he can see around the room I would recommend glasses for reading as that was a slight issue. No need to worry, that's just a normal thing for anyone at any given age and as I see it, far beyond the best case scenario we could have hoped for. However if there is a noticeable shift and worsening contact me immediately. I'd like to schedule a few check ups over the next couple months, other than that I happily announce you are free to go and I hope you enjoy being able to see."

Thanking the Doctor I'm passed around for hugs taking in all the changes to my parents over the years. It's a surreal moment to say the least.

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