Chapter 4

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All week I have been on a mission. That mission being make friends with one Alexander Clark. And boy let me tell you what, that is harder than it sounds.

Whenever I try to strike up a conversation with him it's either a one word response or I'm completely ignored. I know he can hear me. I once caught the jack to his headphones laying limp in his lap, totally fooling the 'I'm listening to music' act. But I said nothing. Let him have the illusion he puts up if it makes him feel better.

But now

Now he can't ignore me. The teachers are already complaining about having to direct him to his next class everyday for the rest of the school year. So, it has been decided that someone else will have to take over that responsibility. And not wanting to spend a dime, the easiest solution was to have a student do it.

Though the hype has died down now entering the second week of January, he is still the main topic of gossip across the school. His devil may care attitude only seems to entice the girls even more.

Seeing as I was the only one to not fawn over him like a groupie in front of the teachers and consequently having each and every class together, it was decided that I was tasked as his caretaker.

Now if only we could get him to agree.

Sitting in the principal's office next to him, I can see his face get redder and redder the longer Mr. Buckman talks. After a while he is droning on so long Alexander finally seems to snap.

"FINE! She walks me to class! Now can I go?"

Blinking the shock away, Mr. Buckman clears his throat a few times before finally dismissing us.

Leaving the office I check the clock on the wall before venturing right.

"We came from the left for science, why are you heading right?" The sound of such a long sentence, the longest I've heard from him, coming from his gruff voice had me pausing in amazement before continuing on.

"Second period is almost over. By the time we got there we would have to turn around for english."

Keeping to the walls for the use of his probing cane, we turned a corner before he spoke again.

"We'll have to leave early for gym so I can change"

Without taking the time to think i stupidly blurted out "I thought you could get out of it since you haven't done anything yet"

"Why, because you've been watching me" It wasn't a question. It was an observation. Despite my slight embarrassment at somehow being caught, I plan to take full advantage of his chatty mood before it disappears.

"What makes you think that?"

"I can feel your eyes on me. I can feel everyone's."

Cut off by the bell, I slow down outside the classroom, waiting for the rush of fleaing bodies to die down before entering.

"Good morning Ms. Hayes"

"Good morning Bella, how are you today?" Ms. Hayes has been one of my favorite teachers to have. The fact the feeling is mutual has created a wonderful teacher student friendship that makes classes more fun.

"Primed and ready to learn. What's the next book you've got for us?"


An idea starts to form in my head. "Are we going to read this one out loud?"

A look of pity fills her eyes as she glances towards Alexander as he takes his seat. Looking back at me a sad strained smile falls upon her lips. "Yes, I figured we could discuss the play better that way."

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