Chapter 41

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It was an unsaid thing that everyone would want the surgery to happen as soon as possible, I just didn't realize it would be two days right after meeting Dr. Diviak in my house.

As much as I hate to keep my Sugar Cookie from important studying before finals in a couple weeks I know I can't do this without her. And like the studious person she is she brought the workbooks given out in class with her and is distracting me with test questions for our exams. It's highly boring and working like a charm till the distinct rap of knuckles calls to warn my nurses have come in to take me and all my worry comes flooding back.

My hand has a death grip on hers the whole trip to the room where I might get my sight back, getting tighter the closer we get.

"Can I have a moment with him before you start?" Clearly sensing my distress Bella in a way far kinder than I would have, asked everyone to get the fuck out. As soon as the door clicks shut lips soft as a feather gently press against my own, calming my erratic beating heart with each pass they take.

"I'm scared Bella" my voice so quiet if we weren't alone I doubt she could have heard me.

"I'll be here no matter what" my heart feels impossibly full for this woman. She could have easily said 'everything will turn out fine' or 'the surgery will work' both things we can't know for sure. Things I am terrified of being wrong. So this beautiful, wonderful woman says the one thing I can believe in.


Always her, there for me no matter what

"I love you so much" and the way she kisses me back, I know she loves me just as much.


After 5 hours in surgery and some hardcore pain killers I was released to the care of my parents to make sure I take a long and thorough nap and let the healing process begin. Drowsy beyond belief, slowly but surely and with all the help I can get from the wall and Beauty, we stumble into my room and collapse face first onto my bed. I can't help but groan in satisfaction.

All to soon deft fingers are tugging relentlessly at my shirt as I try to swat them away. "Nooo, to curmfeeeyyyy"

"Come on Alex, I need you to roll over. I don't need you suffocating in your sleep." Still the tugging continues and with my drug addled mind made up my body rolls with the next harsh yank following its momentum till I've made a complete 360, this time with Bella in my arms underneath me, my face nestled comfortably between the two peaks of her chest letting out a content sigh. "Seriously?"

"Go to sleep baby"

"I'm not the one who has to sleep you are!"

"Then stop stopping me" tightening my hold on her I wait for her to cave.

One, two, three seconds pass and with a huff

"Can I at least get us changed for sleeping?"

I don't respond, at least not with words. Raising up slightly I make quick work of removing her shirt and unclipping her bra.


Ignoring her hiss of my parents being home I continue on, pulling my own off over my head and onto hers. Her leggings are gone just as fast but I soon hit a roadblock once it comes to my jeans. My brain just wants to sleep and it's translating to my hands when they can't figure out how a button works.

Soon enough we manage to get them off my legs and my arm promptly gives out landing me back onto her chest burrowing my face in as far as I can.

With a sigh of surrender fingers float through my hair lulling me into a deep slumber

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