Chapter 11

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She wants to be friends. Why? That's all I've been able to think about for the past week.

The day after I confronted her we didn't really talk to each other. Lost in our own thoughts. The same goes for today after our four day weekend, leaving only two days we have been in each others company for the past week.

As of tomorrow it will be one full month here. For one month I have been the new kid that everybody talks about but never tries to talk to. All except her. Always there like gum stuck on my shoe, she never leaves. And for what, friendship?

Why would anyone want to be friends with me? I don't talk to people, I can't see thus removing many activities friends would do together from being an option. I-

"What are you thinking about so hard Alex?" So lost in my thoughts I forgot I was having dinner with my parents till my moms voice broke me of my self imposed transe.

"Sugar cookie" berating myself for blurting out the nickname I gave her I quickly asks another question.

"How do you know if someone wants to be your friend? Like they truly care and don't have ulterior motives."

I know the question was unexpected. Usually I brush them off and head to my room but this is seriously bugging me. It takes a bit but my mother finally responds, her voice slightly high pitched from her shock.

"Why do you ask"

I should have known I'd get the third degree for opening up, even the slightest bit. Making a move to stand up I feel my fathers hand on my shoulder pushing me back down.

"Answer your mother"

Dragging out a sigh I mumble under my breath "the girl"

" 'the girl'? There's a girl? What girl? Barb did you know of a girl?"

Cutting off my fathers rapid fire questioning with a stern hush, I feel my mother gently take my hand closest to her.

"The girl who is your guide at school I presume?"

Pursing my lips slightly in annoyance I give a small nod.

"Has she given any indication she wants a friendship?" Again I nod.

"How about any reasons to doubt her?" I think back to all the times she has done something for me, never asking anything in return. Just expecting it to be a natural thing to do. She doesn't harass me for my attention and only provokes me as far as it's acceptable, stopping when she knows I'm at my limit. Finally I shake my head.

"Then I think it's genuine. You need a friend Alex, even if it's just one. If she's willing to try then so should you." Placing a kiss to my temple I feel them both move back to their seats picking up their discussion of an upcoming business meeting out of state.

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