Chapter 10

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Standing in his foyer I watch as his back retreats down a hall and into a room. Shifting on my feet I finally take off my shoes and place them next to his on the mat before slowly following the path I saw him take.

Awkwardly standing in the doorway not knowing what to do I examine what his room looks like. Shades of white, black or grey give it a clean and organized look, yet makes it unhomely for a teenage boy.


So focused on my thoughts I failed to notice him emerge from what looks to be an ensuite bathroom and jump when I hear his cold voice. Scurrying over I plop myself on the end of his bed wondering what I did to be dragged into his house. He can't be that mad I made him speak in class....can he?

Slowly stalking towards me, Alex comes to a halt right before our legs could touch. Arms crossed he leans in, fanning his breath over my face.

With my heart beating out of my chest and a light pant escaping my lips, I didn't realise my eyes closed till I heard his voice speak low in my ear.

"Where did you get that book?" There was a challenge in his tone. As if daring me to say the wrong answer.

I wanted to answer him. Tell him where I got it. The only thing is, is my answer going to be right to him or will he not believe me and think me a liar.

I must of taken to long for his face moved even closer, the slight stubble on his jaw grazing my skin as he spoke. "Answer me Bella"

"My... grandparents"

Holding my breath I wait and wait, fearing I would pass out soon if I did not breathe when he suddenly stands back up straight.


Taking a moment to gasp for air I think of how to tell him.

"My great-grandfather, he was blind. As a child he would often follow his father to work. Apparently he helped build the canal going through New York connecting The Great Lakes to the ocean and to get rid of the land in the way that they needed to dig they would use dynamite to make the job easier. One day he went where he wasn't supposed to and they lit the fuse. Debris exploded in his face, not bad enough to kill him but enough that he could never see again."

Looking at his stoic face I wish I could take those glasses off and see what he is thinking.

"Over the years he learned to live without his sight. Met my great-grandmother and fell in love. I was lucky enough to know him when I was little before they both passed from old age. My grandmother bought him braille books to read. Since they weren't being used I asked her for them...for you."

Clearing my throat I try to quell the flames growing on my cheeks.

"So you have more?"


"And you plan to give them to me?"


A long pause ensues before he finally asks "why"

"Why what"

"Why would you do that, why would you help me?"

Taking in a big breath I straighten my back trying to muster all the confidence I can. "I want to be your friend. Someone you can rely on when you need to. I know it's hard losing your sense of sight. I've seen it growing up. And I know it can't be done alone. I'm sure your parents are there for you but you only have them at home. I can be there for you whenever you need me to. We are always together at school and are practically a hop, skip and a jump from each others bedrooms to be honest. If your ever bored we can hang out or if you want to talk I'll listen. Just know I will always be there if you let me."

Standing up I reach into my backpack and take out a walkie talkie I put in there for the next part of my plan, though I expected it to come later. Walking over to his still form I quickly clip it to his pocket and rush out, grabbing my coat and shoes on the way before heading into my house.

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