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The cold mystery of night is near

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The cold mystery of night is near...
Wandering in silent echoes
That we see,
But do not hear

The stars give off their effervescent glow,
While the Moon looks down
As if to say hello

Admiring its bright lonesomeness,
That we all marvel and enjoy —
While knowing that tomorrow's Sun
May decide to play coy

Though the Moon may be
As cold and gray as steel —
It's always protecting us
From the darkness that we feel

It's forever there
To guide us home —
Making the waves of the ocean's dance,
While inspiring poems

As the Sun rages violently,
Churning day and night —
We are thankful for its distance,
As it warms us with its might

Alienating the stars,
It burns with a fever that we all feel —
Always letting us know...
That it's there...that it's real

The sad thing is,
That it realizes not —
That it too is a star,
No matter how hot

But like life has shown us,
As well as space —
Inferiority happens,
Even in that deep, distant place

Among the vagabond asteroids
And meteors galore —
That travel through space,
As if it were a cosmic dance floor

Invading planets,
Like a game of Russian roulette —
Randomly crashing and destroying,
Without caution or regret

Where they come from,
Is anyone's guess —
But it matters not,
Except their destructiveness

Like life on Earth,
It's all one extreme to the wary next —
Keeping us in awe,
Yet eternally perplexed

So we'll never truly know,
All the mysteries of space and time —
A fact which only makes it,
All the more sublime.

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