of discoveries and curiosities

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"Master Changbin, it is time for you to wake up. Your mother is calling for you." The maid said softly as he shook the male awake.

Changbin's eyes slowly fluttered open as he felt his body being shook. His maid bowed before leaving the room, but not before politely reminding him to get ready quickly.

Changbin streched his body and scratched his head, yawning. He walked over to his huge bathroom. You see, Changbin's family is really rich. They lived in a huge house that only hosted a small family of 3. Though they were originally four, his sister moved out after getting married to a successful foreigner from the US, moving there too. Lastly, a small helping of maids and drivers to help in the house was what housed this   .

He brushed his teeth and washed his face, patting his face with moisturizer. Then he stepped out of his bathroom and approached his closet, that consisted of dark, neutral colors. Not a single bright color in sight.

He believes that the dark concept suited him most.

He decided to wear something casual today, as he does everyday. He stepped out of his room and onto the kitchen, where his mom was waiting.

"Hello dear. Have some breakfast." Mrs. Seo smiled. She pushed a plate of the classic bacon and eggs towards her son, who accepted it gratefully.

"Changbin honey... have any girls.. or perhaps boys caught your attention lately?" Mrs. Seo asked.

"Sadly, no, mom, and I will never get attracted to girls. Don't tell me you're going to set me up with Jisung again. I hate that guy!" Changbin whined.

His mom accepted him for being gay. She didn't care about his sexuality, what's important is that her son was happy. His father though, was tolerating it, but doesn't fully accept it.

"Well you better find a man quickly. You'd need someone by your side once you take over your dad's company." His mom winked.

Changbin rolled his eyes before finishing his food and thanked his mom, who gestured the maid to bring it to the dishwasher for washing.

He went over to the living room and turned on the tv. The news channel popped up immediately.

A certain report catched his attention.

"Hybrids, a new species of living organism has been released to the public. Hybrids are half animal half human, and only one of each mammal is out right now, in Seoul. They are extremely rare since the only way one could be a hybrid is through mating with their soon to be lovers. Only one of their children is most likely to become a hybrid. Their species has been found out after seeing something wrong with their DNA, they have been tested and reviewed before concluding that they are safe to be revealed in public. We highly advise the public to not freak out or have bad feelings about them since they're really sensitive, well the prey hybrids are. Some people might even see them as cute, but never abuse your power over a hybrid. Hybrids are also known to be submissive and loyal. The rest of the information could be found on our site: www.hybridco.org" The interviewed scientist finished and the screen flashed to news reporters interviewing locals.

"I think hybrids are a really good add on to our society. I really hope that people would respect them as equals in our society." A middle aged woman commented.

"I know one, actually. A dog hybrid. He's really nice! He's accepted me as his lover, and it's really cute. To all the future 'soulmates' as per what my dear Minho says it's called, of the other hybrids... you're lucky to have them in your life." A young man said. Changbin recognized him as Jisung and widened his eyes.

"Honestly I think..." Changbin turned off the tv and went into deep thinking.

He had one thing in mind.

He wanted, no, needed a hybrid in his life.

hello and welcome to my new book!

i'm a really big stray kids fan. GOT7 used to be my number one, but now it's stray kids <3

i'm so unloyal ghad i should die

but i still love got7 ok don't @ me

what kind of hybrid do you think felix would be?

I honestly want him to be a mosquito hybrid but that would be the most messed up thing ever 😂

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now