of revelations and fallen hats

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          Changbin's eyes followed Felix's disappearing figure before giving Chan a gruesome stare.

"I don't know what you did, but what ever it is... you've gotta fix it." Changbin spat before going after Felix.

Chan was still it shock. His eyes moved towards their direction before getting covered by his palms. He asked for another drink.

"Hey mister. You seem down." Someone said from beside him. He took a glance and saw a cute looking boy before taking a sip from his drink.


"Well i'm here to make you happy!" He smiled, the whites in his eyes completely vanishing as cute wrinkles appeared at the side. What a pretty eye smile...

"I highly doubt that."

"Wait... you look familiar. I feel like i've seen you before..." Jeongin thought for a while.

"Oh! You're the guy with Felix in one of his photos. I remember seeing that hanged picture in his place." Jeongin said.

"Felix still thinks about me? Does he say anything about me?" Chan asked, immediately interested.

"Ummm, no. I've never heard of you before.'' Jeongin bit his lip.

"Oh." He said, the interested look in his face gone.

"Who are you, by the way?" Chan asked.

"I'm the one and only Yang Jeongin, Felix's best friend!" He introduced. "Nice to meet you..."

"Chan. Bang Byungchan. But call me Chan." He took a sip of his drink.

"I suppose you're Jisung and Minho's friends, so is Felix. What a small world..." He sighed. Jeongin nodded in response.

Jeongin eyed him up and down, and snickered at his current appearance. "What the hell are you wearing."

Chan groaned. "Why is everyone judging my clothes today....oh i see." Mumbling the last part after looking at his own clothes.

Jeongin let out a laugh. His laugh is music to my ears... wait what am i thinking.

"So what's your connection with Felix?" Jeongin questioned as he munched on a bag of chips Chan never knew he had.

Chan silently judged him as Jeongin gave him a 'dude what' look and motioned him to continue talking.

"I think it would be better if Felix told you himself. I'm the one who hurt him anyway..." He whispered the last part, but it didn't miss Jeongin's enhanced hearing, and he immediately kicked Chan in the shin, protective friend instincts kicking in, earning a shriek from him.

"What do you mean 'i'm the one who hurt him'!" Jeongin yelled.

"Ow! How did you even hear that?" Chan exclaimed, rubbing the part that was kicked.

"Well obviously I'm part animal of course i could hea— oh my god I'm saying too much forget i said that." He stopped.

"Wait... you're a hybrid?" Chan asked, surprised.

"No I'm noooooooooot." Jeongin denied as he lowered his cap.

Chan looked at his cap and crossed his arms. "Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Fine. I am." Jeongin admitted. "You're probably disgusted now, I'll leave."

"What? No I'm not. Stay." Chan grabbed his arm as he was about to walk away.

Jeongin smiled. "You know Felix is al—"

"Jeongin! Is this guy bothering you? Maybe he'd want to meet my fist hm?" Seungmin interrupted.

"No he's not. Did you have fun with Hyunjin?" Jeongin glared.

"What? Come on lets go home, where's Felix?"

"I don't know, i haven't seen him." Jeongin shrugged.

"He's with Changbin. It's fine, you guys can go now." Chan interjected.

"Changbin's here? He must be friends with minsung. Who are you by the way?" Seungmin asked.

"He's Chan, the one who kept me COMPANY when you and Hyunjin were busy flirting. Why was he even here?" Jeongin half introduced half ranted.

"Why are you being like this? Are you drunk?" Seungmin asked.

Chan just stared and watched the two fight.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and faced the other direction, so Seungmin looked towards chan and said "I'm Seungmin, thanks for taking care of Jeongin while i was away. Now if you'd excuse me, we'll be going now. Come on Jeongin, lets go." He said as he took Jeongin by the arm and walked out.

"Hmm, i wonder if they're mates like Jisung and Minho."

"Felix, where the hell are you?" Changbin muttered under his breath as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked around the empty park in hopes of finding the male.

He sighed in joy when he saw the faint outline of someone wearing a hat sitting on a bench, and he seemed like he was crying.

Changbin ran towards the male he recognized as Felix and immediately sat beside him. Panting, he said "Are you... okay?"

Felix looked beside him with teary eyes and immediately wiped them off when he saw Changbin.

"Yeah... no... i'm not." Felix sniffed as his voiced cracked. He had mixed feelings about seeing Chan again.

Changbin moved closer to him and placed the taller man in his embrace, softly rubbing his back as Felix wrapped his arms around him too, sobbing loudly.

Due to the constant movement of his body from running a while ago, his hat was loosely placed on his head.

And with that one rub, his hat fell onto the ground, reavealing his...

Changbin noticed the fall of his hat, and slowly looked up.

"Felix? Are those... cat ears?"

ooooooooooooooh snap

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