of encounters and lovers

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Felix went home that night to his shared apartment with Jeongin and Seungmin, his friends that he was staying with since his apartment had a cockroach infestation that had to be maintained.

He couldn't stop thinking about Changbin, someone he's just met today. He took off his beanie and ruffled his oily hair, deciding to take a shower. Jeongin and Seungmin weren't home yet, so he had the whole house to himself.

Felix was a pretty well-off man, he lived in the rich part of town, in a condominium rich teenagers live in when they don't want to live with their parents anymore.

He didn't know how his place got infested with cockroaches, but it did.

He stepped into the shower and took a shower.

He was rich, because of his dad who owned a really big company in Australia. He just moved to Korea since he his mom lived here.

Even though he had like a shit ton of money, he wanted to work since he had nothing else to do. He visits his mom every week.

He lathered his white ears and black hair in his peach scented shampoo, going through every strand while massaging his roots.

How did he become a hybrid, you may ask?

When he arrived here from Australia, there was a weird looking woman who gave him a milkshake. He thought it was something korea did for foreigners as a sign of hospitality, so he took it with a smile. Besides, he was so thirsty that time that he didn't think before accepting the cup. He swallowed it all in one gulp. It tasted a bit like strawberries and something he just couldn't determine.

That day, he went home really tired that he didn't even know he fell asleep, face first on his bed.

He woke up feeling something uncomfortable stick out just below the rim of his pants, and a not so heavy weight on his head. Feeling uncomfortable, he stood up to scratch his head, only to feel two fluffy things on his head.

He ran towards his closet mirror and gasped, eyes widened in surprise.

He did not expect this.

He had grown a pair of white cat ears and tail.

To say that he wasn't shook was an understatement.

He slowly moved his hand up to his head, touching the fluffy ears. Flinching at the contact.

He learned how to hide his cat parts and go through his heats by himself, used to this kind of lifestyle.

That was his reaction a few months ago, when he first came to Korea.

Felix finished his bath and stepped out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He went back to those thoughts and sighed. He both hated and loved the fact that he was a hybrid.

"Hyung, we're home!!" He heard Seungmin's voice yell from the front door.

He quickly wore some sweatpants, a hole for his tail conveniently cut out, and a red hoodie.

He stepped out of his room and greeted Jeongin, the fox hybrid who was attached to Seungmin.

Felix had guessed that the two were mates, but Jeongin would only find out once he reaches 17, and Jeongin was only 16.

"Hello, Jeongin-ah." Felix greeted, ruffling the younger's black hair while giving his ears a light scratch.

"Hi hyung!" the younger greeted back, giving his hyung a hug. He was a really sweet boy.

Seungmin was the same age as Felix. They were all good friends. Felix met them after bumping into Jeongin, who he had sniffed out in a grocery store and greeted him and asked him if he was a hybrid. Jeongin then introduced him to Seungmin, and they all became good friends.

Jeongin didn't go to school, since he didn't want to be touched all the time because all the students say he's so "cute" or something, and he really hated the attention. So instead he had tutorial sessions with one of Seungmin's friends.

"Felix hyung, have you found your soulmate yet?" Jeongin asked.

Felix sat down beside Jeongin (who was still attached to Seungmin) and sighed. He has always wanted a soulmate. But sadly, he hasn't found him yet.

Him? Felix was gay, and he could feel that his soulmate was a boy; so he was really hoping that his soulmate was a male.

Since he was a cat hybrid, he had different ways on finding out who was his soulmate. Unlike dog and wolf hybrids, who could determine their soulmates with a simple whiff of their scent.

As a cat hybrid, his soulmate should be able to scratch his ears. Some possibilities on finding his soulmate is when he feels a connection with a certain person, but it won't be 100% sure that the person is your other half. The ear scratching thing is the only way to confirm if she/he was your soulmate; well, for cat hybrids.

Yes, it was that complicated.

"Sadly, no... Jeonginie. I haven't found my mate." Felix replied with a frown. He just turned 17 a few weeks ago, it was normal that you'd have to wait. Some hybrids say that it took them years to find their soulmates; Felix wishes he wouldn't have to go through that.

"It's fine hyung, just need to wait a bit longer." Jeongin says, flashing his hyung a smile and giving him a hug.

"Yeah hyung, it's fine. He'll come around." Seungmin said, also hugging Felix.

"Awww you guys are so shit." Felix sighed, wrapping his arms around the two kids.

Seungmin and Jeongin giggled.


"It's s-weet, hyung. Not s-hit." Seungmin giggled.

"Well damn. I'm new to the language, spare me!" Felix groaned.


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