of preparations and parties

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"Hey guys, remember Jisung? The person my mom used to hook me up with?" Changbin inquired.

"Jisung? Han Jisung? Yeah i remember meeting him." Woojin replied.

"He's inviting me to his birthday party, and he said i could bring friends. It's tonight." Changbin said as he licked the spoon clean of the ice cream he just had. "Wanna (one) come?"
(hey guys remember when i said my bias was jinyoung)
(i am now certified unloyal bcs i now like the whole maknae line + ong)

"I heard he has a hybrid with him. They're soulmates." Chan said, taking off his earphones. Changbin noticed that he had been really quiet ever since the little chat they had a few days ago.

"Oh? Then who is Felix to you?"

Chan hesitated and looked away before saying "An Old friend."

With that he stood up and left the house.

"Oh really? You guys want to come to his party with me?"

"Yeah sure." Woojin replied.

"Okay." Chan answered.

"But what gift should we get him?"

"sEUNGMIN AND FELIX HYUNG!! MINHO INVITED US TO HIS BOYFRIENDS PARTY LATER TONIGHT!" Jeongin yelled as he went up the stairs to the second floor of Seungmin's apartment, where Felix and Seungmin were staying as Jeongin was having his tutoring session downstairs with Minho, who just left.

Jeongin barged into Seungmin's room and threw himself on the bed, falling on top of Felix who groaned at the impact.

"We're going to a party? Where?" Felix asked after he recovered from his fall.

"Minho told me he'd text Seungmin the details later. Now, we just have to worry about the gift we'll be giving him." Jeongin trailed and thought for a while.

"Our presence itself is a gift." Seungmin declared.

"I agree!" Felix exclaimed and raised his hand.

"Aha people might want to stab their eyes with forks after seeing you two." Jeongin snorted.

"Yah, we don't deserve this kind of disrespect!" Seungmin hissed.

"I agree!" Felix once again exclaimed and raised his hand.

"I agree!" Jeongin mocked while making a face causing Felix to smack him on the head, hard.

Jeongin rubbed the spot where he was hit and whined. Soon after, he recovered saying "But seriously though, what should we get him?"

"Hmm... I don't know. A bottle of vodka?" Felix implored.

"Minho just texted me, he said the party's at a bar nearby. Vodka won't be a good gift for a party held in a bar." Seungmin said, waving his phone in the air.

"Scented body wash?"

"Felix what the hell is wrong with you." Jeongin said under his breath, that apparently reached Felix's enhanced hearing. This earned Jeongin another smack on the head.

"What? I'm just giving examples! Why are you being so pissy today."

"I'm not being pissy!" Jeongin denied.

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