of changjin and "i want friends like seungmin and jeongin"

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        "Good morning Felix! You slept for like 14 hours. Seungmin made breakfast, come on let's go eat." Jeongin greeted as Felix slowly got up. He looked at himself in the mirror, and as he expected, his eyes were swollen from crying so much last night.

As he went out of his room, he saw Chan chilling on the couch watching Dora reruns and responding to her questions like a little child.

Hearing the door open, Chan looked towards his direction and jumped up from his seat, suddenly turning serious. "Felix, are you okay? Seungmin told me everything." He faced him.

Felix coughed. "Yeah, i'm fine. Don't worry about me." His voice was a little bit deeper and huskier than normal.

"Are you sure? I mean, i've experienced a decent amount of break ups, and i wasn't really fine."

That just made Felix cry all over again.

"Shut up, they didn't break up!" Jeongin scolded him by slapping his arm.

"Oh shit! Sorry!"

         Changbin too, wasn't handling this situation well.

After yesterday's events, he had phoned Hyunjin once again and told him the deals off. He didn't even know why he wanted to do something like that in the first place.

He was currently with Woojin, who he decided to tell everything to. And even he, criticized Changbin for his actions.

"Why did you have to say that to him? It isn't his fault you're gay, you've been gay even before you met him." Woojin scolded him. Sure it made Changbin feel even worse, but he deserved it.

This whole time, Changbin has been silent, something he does when he's stressed, frustrated, regretful, or any other negative feelings.

"God, Changbin. I'm very disappointed with you." Woojin sighed. "How are you supposed to fix it now? And remember, just apologizing isn't an option."

"...I-I don't know."

Woojin slapped his head, trying to knock some sense into the stupid boy. But Changbin remained unaffected. Sure, it did hurt, but he knew he deserved even more than that.

"Fine. Since I feel bad for Felix, i'm going to help you." He thought of some ways before continuing. "How about we ask his friends?"

"It's useless. They hate me now."

"How about Chan?"

"He probably hates me too." Changbin frowned.

"The three of us have been friends for years. You know Chan, he takes no sides but instead tries to fix things up." Woojin assured.

"I guess..."

"So, we should ask him to come over and talk. I'm sure he has already heard Felix's side of the story." Woojin took out his phone to message Chan. "Wait nevermind. He's Felix's brother, of course he'll side with Felix."

"Huh? They're brothers?" Changbin widened his eyes. "I thought they were past boyfriends!"

"Well, you're stupid. So that's expected from you." Changbin didn't reply.

"It's been so long since i've seen you like this... you must really love Felix." Woojin realized.

"Of course I love him! What kind of sick fool wouldn't love their mate? I love everything about him, from his smile to his cute little fingers. Just thinking about him makes me swoon. But me being the dumbass I am, had to lash out my anger on him." Changbin groaned, as he repeatedly hit his forehead with a pillow.

"Well isn't that cute... I really need to get into a relationship soon. And by the way, it's good that you know what you did wrong." Woojin smiled. "Well anyways, we only have one option left, and that's talking to Chan. Let's hope for the best."

"Yeah... I hope."

"It's okay Felix, we'll be with you through this." Seungmin and Jeongin held a crying Felix in between them. Jeongin sent Chan a nasty glare from across the room, where he was sitting. Chan scratched his nape as he sent him a apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry bro, I didn't mean it like that..." Chan tried sitting near his brother, but Seungmin and Jeongin pushed him away.

Suddenly, Chan's phone dinged, signaling he received a text. Seeing that it was from Woojin who asked him to come over.

"Go. We don't want you here right now." Jeongin spat as Seungmin nodded in agreement.

"Huh? How did you know?"

"Sensed it. Now shoo!" Jeongin waved him away as Chan walked out with a pout.

Let's say Chan sort of developed a liking for the fox hybrid.

           "So what did you call me for?" Chan crossed his arms. Woojin motioned towards Changbin whose face was against the sofa cushion.

"Oh, him." Chan sighed. "Sorry, but I cant help."

Changbin turned over.

hit you with that

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