of reunited brothers and jealousy

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"Felix, wake up. It's 7:00 and you have work at 8." Jeongin said softly as he gently shook him awake.

"No, go away."

"I'll pull your tail."

"Yes yes, i'm up." Felix groaned as he stood up and walked to the bathroom, grabbing the toothbrush he left at Jeongmin's place for conveniency since he practically lived there already.

After washing up, he went downstairs and grabbed an apple, munching on it as he scrolled on his phone.

It was almost time to go, so he carefully styled his hair and wore an army green beanie to match his bomber jacket and walked out the door, making his way to B' Chill Cafe.

"Have fun today!" Seungmin waved as he watched Felix walk out the door.

He arrived at B'Chill Cafe and was greeted by black haired Bambam who seemed like he was having a date with his boyfriend, Yugyeom.

"Oh hey hyungs, having fun?" Felix greeted with a smile.

Bambam scoffed and hit his arm as Yugyeom blushed, saying "What about you, Felix? I see you've been hanging out with Changbin hmm." Felix flinched as his mood immediately dropped.

"Changbin? The short guy?" Yugyeom asked.

"Yeah. Quite surprising, right?" Bambam laughed as Felix awkwardly grin "We aren—"

"Bam, you're making the poor boy shy. Let him work already. Youngjae shift is about to end and Jaebum might get mad at us again for 'overworking' him." Yugyeom said.

"Yeah yeah yeah. See you later Felix, now start working." Bambam shooed him away as the couple started talking again.

Felix went into the staff's room and took his apron and tied it on before hanging his jacket. On his way out he saw Youngjae getting ready to leave and waved at him,   as the latter waved back.

He attended to customers and brewing their drinks for 2 hours until his shift ended and he was ready to go.

His jacket was already on before  the cafe's bell rang, signaling that a costumer has entered. Felix thought it was Mark, the barista scheduled at 10-12 and without looking up from his phone, he said "Bam hyung isn't here, so—"

"Felix? I think we need to talk."

Felix stiffened. He knew that voice anywhere. He slowly looked up from his phone and said "Chan?"

Chan goofily grinned. "Hyung. You forgot hyung. We're in Korea dummy." he said in english.

Felix did what he wanted to do in a long time, he kicked Chan in the balls.

Chan yelped in pain and knelt on the ground, trying to soothe the pain. Thankfully, there wasn't any customers around, just him and Felix.

"How dare you leave me alone! Do you how many days I spent crying in my room? You selfish thing!" Felix shouted, tears streaming out of his eyes as he proceeded to hit Chan repeatedly on his back. He felt like a little broken-hearted girl.

"I can e-explain—OW! Stop hitting me please." Chan wailed out in pain.

Felix stopped and knelt down beside him, immediately feeling bad for him.

"Sorry, I went a bit overboard." Felix apologized and slowly helped him stand up and sit on a seat.

Suddenly, Mark entered and looked around. Seeing no one but Felix and his friend, he smiled at them and quietly went to the staff's room to prepare.

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