of thanks and confessions

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so that's the end of beanie!!!


thanks to all the people who stayed and continued reading even though this story had like a crappy intro aha

honestly i got the idea of writing this story after going to starbucks lmaoooooooo then thinking about it in the shower

then i was like damnnnn that's smooth

as for my minsung story, i thought of that one while taking a picture of a duck on my lawn HAHAHHA

my first plot on this story is comepletely different from what it is now

tbh i didn't have a plot in the first place i just went with the flow this is how unprepared i am

and all those references i had were just-

this isn't my first book. my first was a got7 one then a bts one but i deleted it since it was too cringyyy bcs i was a young piece of shit that time (who am i kidding i'm still a piece of shit)

anyways, too all my wonderful readers, i can't get enough of you guys' comments, in a positive way. you guys are just too funny hahahhaa

in case any of you would be asking, no, i won't be writing a sequel since that's how lazy i am

i might write alternative endings or special chapters, but no sequel sorry ✌🏻

the one person who guessed the ending right is @kissing-star ;)

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now