of jeongminlix and operation "get chan and felix to meet"

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"Wait Felix, we need more details on this 'Chan' guy." Seungmin said, Jeongin nodding in agreement."Yeah, all i know is that you two used to be past acquaintances...? Is that the right word? It seems like he knew you and you knew him. Oh and his name is Bang Byungchan."

Felix has finally calmed down from his emotional breakdown a few moments ago and is currently eating his favorite sunny side eggs made by Seungmin.

Felix plopped a piece in his mouth and started talking. "Uh i guess we could be past acquaintances? His mothe—"

"Felix. Can you not eat with while talking, chunks of your food and saliva is spitting out." Seungmin stopped him from talking and gave him a moment to chew his food, and Felix rolled his still swollen eyes.

"As I was saying, his mother married my father when my mother moved back here to Korea after some family issues that caused them to separate. I was around 6 that time, was it 6 years old? I don't know. I was left there with my father when his new wife's and her son moved in, and he was Chan. Since then we became the closest friends slash brothers ever until he left me in Australia when i was 13. Leaving me crying for a week. Now that he's here, i feel like slapping him and hugging him at the same time." Felix said, poking the eggs on his plate with his fork.

Seungmin and Jeongin sympathetically looked at Felix from across him and immediately moved to his side giving him hugs, comforting him.

"Wait, I remember him giving me his number back in the bar. Let's text him and ask him to meet you." Jeongin said and took out his phone.

"No! I am NOT—" Felix shouted but got cut off by Seungmin covering his mouth and massaging his cat ears, immediately soothing him.

"Hahaha, it's good we know all his weak points. Look at him, he's practically sleeping now." Seungmin laughed at the half open eyed Felix who let out audible purrs.

"Here, I've found his contact. What should i say?" Jeongin asked.

11:46 PM

yo yo yo bar guy

yo yo yo smile boy

i'm here to ask about my boy felix

can we stop talking like this i'm not in the mood

okay i'll stop
anyways would you want to
meet up with felix and talk over your past problems

sure i mean i'd want to explain and get close to him again.

great great now is it fine to
meet tomorrow? at b'chill cafe?

what time?

uh wait i forgot what time his
shift ends

wait felix goes to work?

uh yeah
like idek why
he's filthy rich but still wants a job like dude why

maybe he's bored

anyways his shift ends at 10
am so maybe after that you could come

okay i'll get ready
hey you should sleep now
especially felix
he'll get really cranky if he doesn't get enough sleep

i won't ask how you know that
but anyways felix doesn't
know about you guys' meet up so don't be surprised if he's surprised ok gn

what?! so he isn't up for this?
seen 11:52 pm
seen 11:52 pm
i'm so going to kill you when i see you again!
seen 11:53 pm

Jeongin giggled and placed his phone back in his pocket, Seungmin sending a wary glance at him.

"Chan's up for meeting Felix tomorrow at B'Chill Cafe after Felix's shift ends. Plan bring Chanlix together is in operation." Jeongin exclaimed.

"Wait why Chanlix? It sounds like Changlix and I don't like it. We're supposed to be shipping the two of them only!" Seungmin argued.

"We are shipping them in a brotherly way, okay! If you don't like Chanlix, then let's make it...uh Felan!" Jeongin said.

"What the hell is Felan... it should be Chix!" Seungmin fired back.

"You know what, let's just go to sleep. I'll sleep in your room and Felix takes mine. He's sound asleep now." Seungmin sighed and Jeongin nodded.

They both carried Felix to Seungmin's room before moving on towards Jeongin's room, where they both cuddled each other to sleep.

Changbin was back at his condo, and was currently sitting out in his balcony watching the stars as he sipped on a can of soda.

His thoughts went back to Felix and what happened a while ago. Why did he feel something deep down inside?

He knew almost nothing about hybrids, and he wanted to find out everything about them. Is it weird that he suddenly feels like cuddling Felix to death?

He decided to call a hybrid specialist.

He took out his phone and dialed a number, the number of a close friend of a friend he had met at some gathering they had.

He tapped on the contact and waited for the call to push through. "Hello?"

"Hey Jinyoung, it's me, Changbin. I need some information about hybrids. You free tomorrow for lunch?"

"Ah Changbin! Long time no see, and sure i'm free. Time and place?"

"Uh, Is B'Chill Cafe at 12 fine with you?"

"Yes of course. See you there, good night!"

"Good night."

"Felix, you'll be mine." Changbin said with a smile before standing up and entering his place.

i finally got my phone back after days of begging

double update but not proofread

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