of real parties and spilled beans

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"Hey guys are you ready to go?" Seungmin yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah we are." Felix and Jeongin replied as they pushed each other down the stairs.

"Stop pushing each other, you guys might fall and i'd have to take you guys to the hospital, explain what happened, then start visiting the two of you everyday, which by the way willtake a lot of my precious energy." Seungmin nagged.

The two rolled their eyes and pushed Seungmin out of the house, Felix clicking the lock from the inside the closing it, making it locked.

Seungmin slipped into the (diamond life) drivers seat and started the ignition, with Felix and Jeongin arguing on who will sit on the seat in front.

"YOU KNOW WHAT WHY WONT YOU TWO JUST SIT IN THE BACK OK." Seungmin suggested in frustration. The two were always fighting.

The two timidly opened the cars door and got in, making Seungmin sigh in relief and place his hands on the steering wheel.

"Hey Seungmin, isn't the bar just around the corner? Why do we need a car?" Felix questioned.

"Great. Because of you two dimwits fighting and fighting, i completely forgot that it was just nearby." Seungmin groaned as he dropped is head onto the steering wheel.

Felix and Jeongin looked at each other.

"Come on, let's get out of my awesome car and start walking." Seungmin said and opened his door, Felix and Jeongin following in suit.

Jeongin was holding the expensive looking paper bag with cheap perfume in it in his hand and was swinging it around in boredom.

Felix was whistling a tune.

Seungmin wanted peace.

Soon, they reached the nice looking bar. Felix and Jeongin raised their cool looking hats (since Seungmin thought that beanies weren't fit for places like bars) that Seungmin picked out for them to get a better view of the building.

"Woah. Minho picked well." Jeongin said in awe.

"Yeah. Let's get in already." Seungmin motioned.

They entered the noisy bar that smelt heavily of alcohol and sweat. Felix flinched at both the smell and loud music that hit his senses. He was very sensitive, and judging by the face Jeongin was making right now, he too was uncomfortable.

"Hyung, why did we agree to this..." Jeongin groaned as he moved closer towards Felix. Seungmin was looking around before noticing their pained faces.

"Oh no, I forgot about you guys' sensitivity. You wanna go home? We can go home if you want." Seungmin asked with a worried look in his face.

"No it's fine. We'll just have to get used and adjust to the environment, don't worry about us." Felix said and sent him a reassuring smile, Jeongin agreeing.

Seungmin was about to reply but a voice was heard.

"Seungmin, Jeongin, Felix! Nice to see you guys, this is Jisung." Minho greeted.

The three of them faced a cute squirrel looking guy that definitely contrasted Minho's dominating aura.

"Hi~ I'm Han Jisung. Nice to meet you!"

The three said their introductions and greeted him happy birthday, gave him their gift, before going their separate ways, Seungmin dancing with Hyunjin, who was invited, and Jeongin pouting in the corner. Felix chuckled at him before walking over to the bar, planning to have a drink.

"Guys, we're here." Changbin said as he took off the key from its hole. The trio stepped out of the expensive car and Changbin locked it, creating a satisfying click from the car.
(hey am i the only one who wants to listen to the sound cars make when they're getting locked you know with the key ok i'm making no sense)

They entered the bar seeing Jisung waving at him from the side. Changbin immediately let out a smile at the sight of his friend.

"Jisung, long time no see! Happy birthday!" Changbin greeted as he hugged the man.

He could feel the glare of the male beside Jisung.

"Is he your boyfriend? Congrats bro!"

"Yeah he is. I'm guessing you've probably seen him in the news, he's a hybrid, you see." Jisung said.

"Really? Cool! So it was true." Woojin said from the side as he handed Jisung their gift to him. Jisung smiled gratefully.

They did their introductions as Chan and Changbin went over to the bar to get some drinks and Woojin went over to his old friend.

"Chan, let's get drunk tonight. Many problems, am i right?" Changbin asked.

"Yeah. Let's get drunk." Chan replied.

They sat on bar stools in front of the bartender and ordered their drinks, both ordering the same.


Jeongin was not having fun. He was watching Hyunjin flirting with his Seungmin, and he wasn't having it. He silently glared daggers at the said male and whispered curses under his breath. He had a feeling Seungmin was his mate, or was he just romantically attracted to him?

He didn't know.

Felix saw two guys sitting next to him from his peripheral vision. He slowly turned his head to see Changbin and an unfamiliar guy, but he felt reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy familiar.

Changbin turned his head too when he felt someone looking at him. To his surprise he saw Felix.

"Felix? What a surprise to see you here! Friends with Jisung I suppose?"

Felix couldn't reply.

He had eye contact with the guy beside Changbin, both widening their eyes at the sight.

"Ch-chanie hyung?" Felix forced out in shock.

Chan too was in shock.



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hey if u remember the jeongmin or seungjin poll i made weeks ago

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hey if u remember the jeongmin or seungjin poll i made weeks ago

forget about it i thought of something better
oh yeah thenks for 5k <3

not proofread (╹◡╹)

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