of secrets and friendship

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         "Wait. So you're telling me, that Changbin got locked outside his unit, and was in need of your help by staying in your place. Yes?" Seungmin clarified with a equally confused Jeongin beside him, as Felix nodded in response while sipping on his tea. The two of them were interrogating Felix, who was sitting across from him in a tea house near the Jeongin and Seungmin's home.

"And that he slept on your bed with you, spooning you at the process, then the next morning, you guys went out to eat lunch at McDonald's?" Seungmin once again repeated Felix's story earlier. Jeongin stared.

Taking another sip from his tea, he clasped his hands together and nodded while bitting his lips. "Basically, yeah."

Jeongin threw his hands in the air then shook Seungmin's shoulders. "SS Changlix is sailing! All aboard all sailors!"

"Yes!" Seungmin cheered too, dragging the s. "It's happening, it's happening!"

"Yah, Kim Seungmin. We're friends and all, but keep it down please. Customers are complaining." whined the handsome Hyunjin, who was wearing an apron around his waist. He owned this tea house as a buisness. He planned on starting a steakhouse, but he and fire don't seem to work well. He always burns the meat. So, he started a simpler business, a teahouse.

"Ah. Sorry Hyunjin-nim. We'll be quieter now, right guys?" Seungmin said, a slightly cute tone in his voice.

Two "Yeah"'s sounded from the two males. With that, Hyunjin rolled his eyes and patted Seungmin's shoulder, smiling.

Jeongin crossed his arms and pouted. "I don't like him."

"Awww Jeonginie, jealous?" Felix raised an eyebrow, a smirk smile on his face.

"What?" the said male's eyes widened. "Of course not." He denied, but the blush on his face gave it away.

Seungmin wrapped an arm around Jeongin and pinched his red cheeks, mumbling something along the lines of "cute".

"SS Jeongmin is sailing!" Felix whisper-yelled as he pumped his fist in the air.

The two immediately denied with their own versions of saying "no".

Felix giggled at their cute relationship.

The two went back to normal and once again, focused their attention back at Felix.

"So Felix, was he a comfortable big spoon?"

         "Hyung, stop!" Changbin wailed. Chan was mocking him after he told him and Woojin about Felix, his newfound friend.

"Yah Byungchan, stop making fun of the poor child. He's becoming an adult. It's part of that." Woojin yelled from across the room, where he was reading a book.

"But Woojinie, look at him, the dark man is lovestruck for a single person!" Chan squealed as he ran around Changbin's penthouse.

"Ugh hyung, i shouldn't have told you." Changbin sighed as he dropped down on the couch, Woojin looking at him as he sat in the black love seat.

"It's fine Changbinie, don't mind Chan. I don't know how i even befriended him in the first place." Woojin said.

Chan placed his hands on his hips. "Hey!"

"It's been a long time." Woojin put down his book. "We have to catch up."

"What do you mean?" Changbin asked.

"We haven't met in like a month, let's all sit down and talk about what's been happening in our lives. And, Changbin should give us more details on his love life am i right Chan?" Woojin exhorted, nudging chan who was now sitting on the chair's arm rest.

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