of 100k specials and alternative endings

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anyways as a TYSM here's an alternative ending that may or may not be better than the actual ending cuz i'm a little bitch

wait i don't think it's an alternative ending tbh

"I'm sorry to say this, but Lee Felix is dead."

Changbin couldn't move or speak, he just stared with his mouth wide open. He couldn't accept the current situation.

After finally finding his voice, he quietly stuttered out "N-no, i-it can't be... FELIX IS NOT DEAD." Tears fell from his eyes.

The other seven were crowding around the door frame, also unable to accept that their buddy, Felix, was dead.

He looked so serene, his eyes closed as a small sad smile was planted on his lips.

Felix's eyebrow twitched.

Changbin looked at him confused, sniffling before wiping a tear as he moved closer to Felix, about to touch him.

But before they could make contact...

Felix sat up on the hospital bed, with a goofy smile on his face, yelling "sURPRISE BITCHES!!1!"

(ok that was a joke now in all seriousness let's get on with this pieceashet)

starts at chapter
"of meeting parents and lashing out"

quick recap of what actually happened:
well felix met changbin's parents and his dad was disgusted because felix was a hybrid and most importantly a male. his dad, being a homophobic bitch got mad at his son and changbin also got mad which resorted to him lashing out at felix and felix running away crying. then he's all sad and cries all the time before he faints at jeongin's party and then they go to the hospital and comes back to life.

"Oh hi dear! What brings you home?" Changbin's mother asked as she escorted them inside with a wide smile, happy to finally see her son with a companion this time.

"Uh mom, dad, meet my boyfriend, who's also a hybrid, Felix."

Felix looked at him, trying to hide the evident blush on his face as he nudged him and whispered. "You've never even asked me out properly!"

Changbin gave him a small peck on the cheek, saying "Sorry babe, I'll promise to make it up to you when I actually ask you out." He finished, winking.

His mom cooed at the sight, and his dad tried his hardest not to look disgusted, and thankfully succeeded.

"Aww honey, don't you think they're cute?" His mom gushed, as he pulled his lazing husband off the couch.

Changbin's dad forced a smile on his face as he sighed, nodding, gritting his teeth as he muttered "If this is the path my son chooses, then i'd have no choice to accept it."

He stepped forward and gave him a small pat on the shoulder, a sad smile on his face. "I'll be happy, if Changbin is happy. But promise me you'd be the next heir to the company, okay?" He said before walking up the stairs, Changbin grinned as he nodded.

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