of sarcastic wow-ing and actual wow-ing

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            "Oh my holy Jisoos Christ our lord and savior son of God heavenly king creator of all living things my eyes have been blessed." Chan said as he snapped pictures of Felix with his new hair.

"Damn, do I really look that good?" He asked. Nayeon handed him a mirror and he checked himself out. "Wow, I really do look good." He said as he put on his beanie

"Imagine what Changbin would do if he saw you, oh my goddd i can't even." Chan fanned himself.

"You also look good, imagine what Je- nevermind." Felix said, but thankfully Chan didn't hear the last few words before going over to the counter. "I'll pay okay? My treat."

"Oh hell naw, i'm paying for my own! Wait for me!" Felix ran after him.

"Congrats Felix. You're one step closer to baldness." Seungmin congratulated as he patted Felix's back.

Jeongin was staring at Felix in awe, before slowly reaching out and touching his hair. "Wowww"

"No Jeongin. We are not bleaching our hair." Seungmin swatted his hand away from Felix's head.

"Ow! I never said I wanted to bleach my hair, asshole!" Jeongin yelled.

"Such supportive friends I have." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you should be thankful you even have friends. Ungrateful bastard." Seungmin crossed his arms.

"What's wrong with you today?" Felix asked.

"He's on his man period." Jeongin whispered towards Felix.


"Then you're PMSing."


"He's just salty after seeing Hyunjin's post with Minho on instagram." Jeongin explained.

"But doesn't Minho have Jisung?"

"Yeah. Hybrids are loyal to their mates. I don't know what's this guy's problem." Jeongin snorted as he pointed at Seungmin.

"Shut up, fox boy."

"Oh you did not just call me fox boy..." Jeongin trailed.

"I'm nineteen, you fight me?"

"You're barely even 10!"

"Ohoooo so that's how you wanna play huh." Seungmin rolled up his sleeves.

"This is where I silently leave before I get included in this fight." Felix said as he stood up.

"Shut up Felix!" They yelled in unison.

"Shouldn't have said anything..." He muttered before stepping out of the door.

Felix repeatedly dinged Changbin's doorbell as he waited for him to open the door. He heard a faint "Who the fuck is that ruining my beauty sleep." before stopping.

"Who the fuck are yo— oh hey Felix come innnnn let's cuddle." Changbin yawned and rubbed his eyes as he hugged Felix's body and dragged it towards his room, as Felix threw his beanie somewhere.

Changbin opened his eyes more but his sight was still blurry before noticing something on Felix's head.

"Hey what's that on your head and why is it so bright?" He rubbed his eyes more.

When his sight was clear, hr widened his eyes in shock.

"Oh my god, what did you do to your haaaaair??!" Changbin yelled.

Felix frowned. "Why? Does it look bad?"

"Of course it does! You're putting my life at stake!" Changbin groaned. "I'm gonna die early, goodbye world." He said as he feigned death and dropped down on the bed.

Felix laughed and hugged Changbin, who's body was still unshaken on the bed.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to dye it back to black?"

"No no no, I'd like it how it is now thank you very much." Changbin said.

"Okay, now come cuddle with me i'm still sleepy." Changbin yawned as he fixed his position.

"It's 6pm but okaaaay." Felix said, taking off his shoes and slipping into the bed with Changbin, who hugged him as he fell asleep.

"Guys, you know Changbin right? The one with the long chin." Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, I know him. What about him?" Minho questioned as he braided Jisung's hair.

"He called me a while ago, saying he needed me to help him make someone jealous, and me being the overly nice person I am who can't say no, said yes and now I have to go out with him and bla bla in front of his boyfriend who's a hybrid."

"Who's that hybrid?" Jisung asked.

"Lee Felix."

"wHAT??? I never knew those two would be mates." Minho said.

"Well expect the unexpected." Hyunjin flatly stated.

"But Felix is best friends with Seungmin right? What if he tells him?" Jisung asked.

"I didn't think of that..." Hyunjin said as he thought for a while. "But he's paying me and I need money to buy Seungmin expensive gifts so I guess it's fine. I'll just explain the situation to him." He finished.

Minho and Jisung exchanged looks. "Well, it's your call dude." Minho sighed.

"Why do I feel like this is a bad but at the same time good idea."

it's been weeks but i still can't get over pentagon's shine someone kill me pls

and i posted a new book called "flash" and it's a minsung ff bcs everyone needs minsung in their lives

its trash just like this book pls take caution when reading either this or that book

its trash just like this book pls take caution when reading either this or that book

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or maybe he just ate like 6 buns of bread

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now