of realizations and dismay

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         "Are you sure this is your place? I'm pretty sure this is mine." Changbin said, confused as he stared at the modern looking, huge twin condominium's entrance lobby in front of him.

"I live here, at 959, Building S. You live here too?" Felix asked, surprised.

"Well i spend most of my time in my condo here but i live in my parents house. But you could say that i also live here, 959, Building K."

"Building K, 959... hey wait.. we're balcony buddies!" Felix exclaimed, widening his eyes.

"Really?! How come i've never seen you around?" Changbin grinned, happy at the fact that Felix lived near him.
Looks like he's been spending more time in his parents house to even notice.

"I recently moved in, maybe that's why." Felix replied.

"That's cool. You moved here from Australia right?" Changbin questioned as they entered the (h)el(l)evator.

"Yeah i did. My parents are both Koreans who migrated to Australia, but i've never learned the language." Felix replied.
3 floors left till the (h)el(l)evator takes them to floor 23, the penthouse.

Changbin nodded as a 'ding' sounded through the (h)el(l)evator, signaling that they have arrived at the destination. The elevator opened and revealed a glass window in front and two corridors on the side, both with one door in the end.

"Bye Lix, it was nice hanging out with you." Changbin waved as he speed walked towards his door, scanning his keycard against the scanner before entering.

Felix blushed at his new found nickname and waved at nothing as he stood in front of the elevator, staring at Changbin's door. He sighed and walked towards the window, looking down.

He was standing on a bridge way that held the two buildings together.

He looked down on the busy streets of Seoul before walking towards his door, scanning this keycard and walking in.


the nickname was stuck in his head.





his thoughts were cut off by his phone ringing.

Felix got back to his senses as he reached into his back pocket and took out his white colored iPhone X and answered the phone.


"Hey Felix, you home yet?" The caller asked. It was Seungmin.

"Yeah i am. Wanna come over?" Felix asked.

He could here faint voices through the phone. It must be Seungmin asking Jeongin if he wanted to come.

"Sure, we'll be over in 10."

Changbin on the other hand, was sitting against his door, head in his hands.

His face was as red as a tomato.

He can't believe that he actually said those words to Felix, a man he secretly adored yet just met a few days ago.

This was moving all too fast.

Like, since when was Changbin ever this bold?

Even he didn't know how to answer that.

He stared at his black at white themed apartment as a rush of tingles flowed through his body.

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