of days before parties and a little minsung

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"Wow, you actually have really small hands." Jeongin widened his eyes in shock, staring at Felix's clenched fists.

"Shut up, they're just kid sized." Felix pushed Jeongin's face away.

"Oooo, like Changbin?" Seungmin wiggled his eyebrows, but immediately covered his mouth with his hand and cursed. "Oh shit."

Jeongin's eyes widened as he kicked Seungmin of the couch, causing the latter to groan in pain as Felix looked straight into space.

"Uh, he meant... chang bean!" Jeongin raised a finger as Seungmin looked at him confused.

"What? Chang means long in chinese, so long bean!" Jeongin grinned.

"Where did you even learn that?" Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mingrui taught me."
(everyone needs a little bit of boy story in their lives amirite)
(no one asked but mingrui is my bias)

"Oh yeah, that Chinese kid? I remember him. He's cool." Seungmin commented, Jeongin nodded.

"Anyways, go brush your teeth, we don't want any cavities on you, especially since you have braces." Seungmin stood up and pushed Jeongin towards the washroom, but Jeongin didn't want to.

"I'm too laaaazy..." He whined as he sloppily walked towards the sofa.

"I'll pull your tail." Felix threatened with a smirk from the couch.

"On second thought, brushing my teeth sounds good." Jeongin turned around and went to the washroom.

"Okay, now that he's gone, we can talk about his party tomorrow." Seungmin took out his phone and opened the reminders app "I've got everything settled. All we need is the decorations and lastly... new hair colors."

Felix looked at him in confusion. "New hair colors? Why?"

"To make Jeongin jealous for not taking him to the hair salon with us since he's been wanting to dye his hair pink for ages but is too scared to go there by himself, dummy." He laughed, sending a devious smile towards Jeongin's direction, who was still inside the bathroom. "I'm just kidding, we're doing that for fun, but also to make Jeongin jealous."

"There Seungmin, i'm done brushing my teeth." Jeongin got out of the bathroom and opened his mouth widely to show Seungmin his teeth, also letting out a breath in his face.

"You disgusting piece of shit." Seungmin spat as he waved the air to get rid of the smell. "You smell like fish."

Jeongin smiled cheekily. "Oops, guess it's because of the fish I ate a while ago."

"Why didn't you give me!" Felix pouted as his cat ears moved down in sadness.

Jeongin looked at him and went over to sit by his side, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry hyung, i'll treat you out to dinner at your favorite restaurant next time." Jeongin grinned, making Felix grin in return.

Seungmin snorted. "As if you have enough money to do that."

"Oh shut up, you. I'm not as poor as you think. I have a job!" Jeongin boasted.

"Oh yeah? Where?" Felix asked as Seungmin looked like he still didn't believe him.

"In Hyunjin's tea house." Jeongin smirked.

"Oh wow."

          "Hello my gay friends, we have a party to go to." Hyunjin interrupted the cuddling couple by barging into their home and plopping down in front of them.

"We shouldn't have given him extra keys to the house." Minho looked down at Jisung, who was snuggling against his chest as he caressed Minho's tail.

"I know right." Jisung mumbled as he sighed.

"Excuse me, i'm right here." Hyunjin waved.

"We know." The other two said in unison.

"Well aren't you guys just rude." Hyunjin crossed his arms.

Minho rolled his eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, who's party are we going to anyways?"

"Jeongin's. He's turning 17 tomorrow." Jisung and Minho's eyes immediately brightened at the name, since both had a liking for the cute male.

"Please come with meeee, i'm planning on confessing to Seungmin." Hyunjin paused and blushed just thinking about him before continuing and saying "And i'm gonna need mental and emotional support when he either rejects me or accepts it."

"Oh my gooood. The bitch has finally grown the balls to ask Seungmin to be his boyfriend. After 1000 years, fucking finally." Jisung cheered as he sat up and hugged his friend.

"Fucking finally indeed."

         "I'm thinking of giving you a dark brown... mahogany maybe?" Dahyun suggested. Felix was back at it again (with them white vans) , but now with Seungmin instead of Chan at Dahyun's hair salon.

"That's a great idea! Go for it, Felix." Seungmin agreed. He was going for a cherry red, and Felix thought it would look great on him.

"Okay, let's get it." Felix smiled. He was excited to see the outcome.

Felix once again felt a pain in his heart, this time stronger than the last, as he winced in pain.

jisung has blonde hair ??? someone??kill??me??now??

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