of changlix in action and chan's plan

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"Changbin? W-what are you doing here?" Felix asked, clearly shocked.

"I came to see you, silly. You weren't gonna see me so I decided to make the first move." Changbin laughed.

Felix laughed awkwardly as the two fell into awkwardness.

"Hey. Felix you can go have your date with Changbin. I don't know what happened but it seems like the two of you need to talk. See you later Felixie!" Bambam giggled as he literally pulled off the apron on Felix and pushed him and Changbin out of the cafe.

"So uhhh, you're my mate." Felix started as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah I know. I actually met up with a hybrid specialist so I could know more about you." Changbin said as he slyly slung an arm on Felix's shoulder with his other hand in his pocket, causing Felix to blush and flinch at the contact.

"Heyyy, it's not like we've haven't been this close before." Changbin laughed and pulled Felix closer to himself while Felix hid his face in his hands.

"Come on, let's go to my place. We'll talk there." Changbin said as Felix nodded. With that, they started the short, quiet yet comfortable walk to Changbin and Felix's condo.

         "It's been a long time since I've been here..." Felix said as they stepped out of the elevator.

"Yeah, I missed you. You've been staying in Seungmin and Jeongin's place right?" Changbin asked as he took out his keycard.

"Mhm. I didn't want to go back here after that night since I was scared." Felix admitted as they entered Changbin's unit.

"Why did you even get scared? I thought I did something wrong." Changbin said as he motioned Felix to sit beside him on the couch.

"No no, you didn't. I was just scared you didn't accept hybrids, so yeah..." Felix said as he leaned his head on Changbin's shoulder, causing him to smile.

"Why would I? I wouldn't care about how you look, what matters is how compatible you are to me. I love how I feel so comfortable when i'm near you, or even talking to you. You're the one for me." Changbin said as he hugged Felix.

"Gosh Changbin, you really know how to make me feel all giddy inside." Felix muttered as he cuddled closer to Changbin, making Changbin chuckle.

"Take off your hat, I want to see your ears again." Changbin said as he took off Felix's beanie.

He immediately touched and massaged the cat ears, making Felix lean into his touch and let out audible purrs as his eyes slowly closed.

"That is so freaking cute." Changbin said in awe.

         "I can't believe it, Changlix is actually happening!" Seungmin squealed as they strolled through the park.

"I KNOW RIGHT?! I swear to god Changlix is the best ship ever my gosh just thinking about them makes me asdfghjkl." Jeongin fangirled as Seungmin laughed at him.

"But hey, what's up with you and Chan? Are you really not gonna tell Felix?" Seungmin asked as he calmed down a bit.

"Well, I don't know. I mean my birthday is coming up in a like week and that's when he'll feel something for me, and when i'll be sure he's the one for me. Because like right know i'm not even sure if he's my mate." Jeongin suddenly went serious at the mention of his love life. Jeongin continues after a few seconds. "And what if he doesn't like hybrids?"

"Jeongin, think think! That's why we have Felix right? I'm sure he has already told Chan that he's a hybrid. Don't worry, be happy!" Seungmin said as he swung an arm around Jeongin's shoulder and playfully pulled him closer as he ruffled his hair.

"I hope so..." Jeongin sighed but smiled at the fact that he has someone like Seungmin.

Meanwhile, in the distance was Hyunjin staring at them through his shop's window, mumbling silent curses towards Jeongin.

"You know, Felix is a hybrid." Chan told Woojin as they ate fried chicken. "And he's so freaking cute I can't." He continued.

"Yeah, you told me when the two of you made up. But i'll act like I never knew." Woojin said, causing Chan to slap his arm. "Woah. Felix is a hybrid? That's so cool!" Woojin exclaimed, mouth full of chicken.

"Hey, chew before you talk. That's disgusting." Chan squinted his eyes. "I taught you better than that."

Woojin rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Well i'm happy you and Felix are back together. Does Changbin know you guys are just siblings? Maybe he has the wrong idea..."

"Nah, I won't tell him. Jealous Changbin is the best Changbin." Chan smiled mischievously.

"Oooo, that's fun. But wouldn't that cause a bigger problem?" Woojin asked.

"I'm sure it won't. Let's just get this party started." Chan put his hands together.

"Operation 'Make Changbin Jealous' is in action!" Chan yelled.

"I'm not really sure with this, but okay!" Woojin yelled too.

"Binnieeeee, keep petting me please! Don't stop." Felix whined when Changbin stopped petting.

Changbin's heart raced at the nickname as he suddenly felt thrilled. "Say that again."

Felix looked up at him. "Say what again?"

"The thing you just called me. Say it again." Changbin repeated.

"Come on Binnie, keep petting me pleaseee." Felix said once again.

Changbin groaned as he rested his head against the couch and hid his face in his hands. "God, Felix. You're really something else."

Felix laughed and repeated it once again. "Binnie, Binnie, BINNIEEEEE."

Changbin didn't say anything but instead raised his hands towards Felix's cat ears and started petting, causing him to shut up and move closer to him, leaving a still 'high on Felix's new nickname for him' thinking about it and inwardly squealing.

i'm on a hellevator

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