of greetings and meetings

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         Changbin walked his way towards B'Chill Cafe, a cafe that his friend owns. It was a cafe he was a regular at.

He walked in, sighing at the smell of coffee and different pastries. He loved it here since it was peaceful. It wasn't that we'll known yet, so it wasn't always crowded. Something Changbin liked about this place.

He's been a costumer ever since the first day, so he probably knows every single thing on the menu, changes between staff, furniture etc.

Today, there seemed to be a new addition to the B'Chill Cafe family, and the owner was there helping him.

He turned around and said "Ah, Changbin my man, what's up! Felix, this is Changbin. He's a regular here. Make sure that his orders are always served at its best conditions and fast." Changbin chuckled at this.

Something about that boy intrigued him. His pastel pink beanie really stood out.

"Nice to meet you, i'm Changbin." He smiled as he put out his hand for Felix to shake.

"Felix." He spoke, voice deep. Slightly smiling as he shook his hand.

"Felixie here isn't that good in Korean since he's from Australia, and I know you could speak English, Binnie." Bambam winked. He was really fond of nicknames.

Felix stood in front of the man, checking out the man's features. He had dark brown hair, dark piercing eyes, and long chin that was a very handsome feature for Felix.

Changbin too, was checking Felix out. Admiring his amber colored locks that looked perfect on his head. His one cross earring on his left ear also stood out to Changbin, and the way his Adam's apple would move whenever he swallows, talks or gulps.

"Ok Changbinnie, have a seat. I'll prepare your order in no time." Bambam said. Changbin didn't even have to tell him his order since Bambam already knew.

2 minutes later, his order arrived. It was served by the one and only... Felix.

"Enjoy your order." Felix mumbled in English under his breath as he placed Changbin's order on the small coffee table. Then, he left. Leaving Changbin alone to think.

Felix stood behind the counter, thinking about that Changbin guy.

Was it possible that he was his soulmate?

I mean, there were signs; but it
wasn't confirmed.

Felix felt attracted to the male, but it was too early to assume. He wasn't that hungry for a soul mate.

Changbin on other hand, was contemplating on whether or not he should ask for the new barista's number.

"Felix! Your shifts over, have a good day" yelled Bambam as he waved.

Changbin should've approached him earlier.

I'm sorry if this is bad
i'm just so caught up with school hah

who's your bias/es in stray kids?

mine are
felix, jisung, seungmin, hyunjin, jeongin, minho, changbin, woojin, and chan.

fight me.

why have one when you can have all nine?

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now