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the title says it all :)

"Finally Minho, you're home! Do you know how worried I was? Hell, I was even about to call Jeon—" He ranted, but was cut off by Minho throwing his hat at him.

"I'm a wolf, not a hamster hybrid. I can take care of myself." Minho shushed as he placed his food on the table.

Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho protectively, and nuzzled his head in the said males neck. "I missed you."

"Yah, don't go all cutesy on me. Here, Seungmin's friend treated me a donut and a latte, but i already drank the latte. He says hi too by the way." Minho muttered as he slowly removed the arms around him, smiling.

"Oooo tastes good! Tell him i said hi back, and thanks!" Jisung happily said as he stuffed the pastry in his mouth.

Minho sighed in content. He was joyed to see his boyfriend happy.

"Minho, your ears are so fluffy. I can't stop touching them oh my god!" Jisung squealed as he caressed the soft fur covered wolf ear in his hands.

Jisung was sitting down on the sofa with Minho, who was laying down with his head on Jisung's lap. Minho was using his phone while Jisung was admiring his boyfriend.

"Yes i know. I wash them carefully everyday." Minho said, putting down his phone.

"So that's why the shampoo keeps running out so fast!" Jisung exclaimed. "But it's fine, as long as you're happy, i'm happy."

"Aw, Jisungie is soooo sweet." Minho smiled. "What do you need from me."

Jisung feigned innocence. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, no need to beat around the bush. Tell me."

"Ok fine, you've caught me." He let out a huff. "Can i go hang out with Hyunjin today? He called me awhile ago, and said he needed to talk about something."

Minho stood up, looked him in the eye and crossed his arms.

"But hyuuuuuuung, i want to go! It's been so long since me and Hyunjin went out to meet." Jisung whined as he too stood up and stomped his feet.

"I said no, and that's final." Minho glared, as he walked to their shared bedroom. Jisung's eyes widened when he saw an animal like expression on his face before he walked out. Dominance.

Jisung shivered. Minho wasn't in the living room anymore, but his eyes were planted in his mind. He was very scary.

But that won't stop Jisung from meeting his childhood friend.
He cheekily smiled.

Night fell, and Jisung was prepared to sneak out of his house. Specifically, sneaking away from Minho.

He grabbed his wallet and phone and stuffed it in his pocket. Then, he proceeded on his escape.

He carefully walked towards the door and peeked his head through a small space in the door. He saw Minho whipping himself some ramen. If he carefully calculated his route, he'd be able to get away from Minho. With careful steps, he slowly opened the door wider and tiptoed out of the room.

When he was right in front of the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Jisung gulped. Minho has caught him.

Minho knew he was trying to escape after hearing the door knob turn all the way from the kitchen; thanks to his enhanced hearing.

Whenever Minho was mad, Jisung knew he should just give in, or it would result to even worse consequences.

He turned around, and saw Minho standing there with his arms crossed, eyes slightly narrowed fixed on him.

"Uhhhhh—" Jisung drawled, before yelling "Bye!" and opening the door, running outside.

Jisung ran as fast as he could on the street. Yes, he was this desperate in meeting his childhood friend.

"Jisuuuuung! Get back here!" Minho growled, and ran after him.

Of course, Minho was able to run past Jisung and stand in front of him to jail him in his arms due to his enhanced speed. Jisung was dead.

"I don't remember telling you that you could go out with him." Minho heaved. Jisung, who's head was on Minho's chest could feel it rising up and down.

Jisung looked up to see Minho staring right back at him. Seeing Jisung's eyes made Minho hug him tighter and nestle his head in his neck, breathing in his scent.

"Don't ever leave me."

a minsung a day keeps diarrhea away

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a minsung a day keeps diarrhea away

this is bad i know but it was rushed and i have no brain

i stan 3 jisungs

stray kids' jisung
nct's jisung
wanna one's jisung

i love jisungs

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now