of endings and plot twists

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Changbin couldn't believe his eyes. Felix was laying on a bed in front of him, with a heart monitor letting out a flat beeping sound beside him.

It broke his heart.

This was all his fault

A lone tear slid from his eyes, and more soon followed.

Jisung, who rushed out to call the doctor a while before came back inside with him.

"Nurse! Nurse! Pass me the machine, we're having an emergency!" The doctor yelled outside. He faced the others and said "I need you guys to step out for a bit," He started, "His mate is here right? Whoever his mate is give me your shirt, and step outside."

Changbin quickly took off his shirt, passed it to the doctor and stepped outside, joining the others who all looked worried and exhausted.

"Deym. Look at those biceps." Jeongin commented as he looked at shirtless Changbin. "They're huge." He said, trying to light up the mood, since he knew they had to stay positive.

Chan, who got his unspoken message, went with the flow. "Hey, mine's better." He showed off as he flexed his arm. Jeongin faked vomiting, making Chan look offended.

Minho let out a small laugh, and the rest soon followed, since Minho had quite a funny laugh.

Changbin just stayed silent.

Noticing this, Woojin went over to sit next to him and placed an arm around the male who had his face in his hands.

"Bin, you shouldn't think negatively. Negative thoughts are stronger than positive ones." He advised, to which Changbin disagreed at.

"How am I supposed to think positively when it's MY mate almost dying in there?!" He yelled harshly as he shrugged Woojin's arm off him. "You wouldn't understand since it isn't your mate in there!"

"What Felix needs right now is everyone's positivity. It radiates off us, and it will surely reach Felix's body, and that will motivate him to get better." Woojin replied calmly.

"What would someone like YOU understand, you don't know anything!"

With that, Jisung was done. He stood up and stood in front of Changbin with his arms crossed. "Woojin's right, you self entitled bitch."

"You must be thinking: 'what the hell is this hag supposed to know?' Well mind you! I'm the mate of his ugly ass hoe right here." He pointed to Minho, who looked downright offended as he placed a hand over his heart.

"We've been mates for years now, and have been through our own shit, something just like this (the chainsmokers oho) even happened to us, but that made us what we are right now, the best ship in our group of gays!" He proclaimed, causing a cough from some males, as he rolled his eyes at their disagreements.

"So you," he pointed. "Should stop being an unreasonable shit and listen to the experienced ones. Woojin has his fair amount of knowledge on this topic, from what I noticed. So better listen to us!" He finished as he shoved his pointer finger into Changbin's chest, who looked defeated as he held his head down.

Seungmin, who was still recovering from the news he heard earlier, spoke up. "Finally. Someone has finally knocked some sense into him. Thank the heavens."

The whole corridor went silent, until a low sniffling sound was heard.

"I-I'm sorry, i-i really am sorry." He paused. "I should've went to him and stayed with him the whole time he was in pain. I was being selfish, thinking that giving him space would be the right thing for him. Hell, even the hybrid specialist I talked to warned me about this, but I was stupid... very stupid." Tears dropped from his eyes, and it broke everyone's heart seeing how heartbroken he truly is.

"Aww, he's not actually an asshole like we thought he was." Seungmin commented, earning a slap from Jeongin telling him to shut up.

Everyone laughed.

"Listen Changbin, it isn't entirely your fault, so quit blaming yourself. It's all in the past anyways, so focus on the present, where we have to stay happy and positive... for Felix!" Woojin said.

"For... Felix!" Changbin smiled.

"Even though some of us aren't close with each other yet, let's start now, and become the greatest friend group ever!" Chan grinned.

"-With Felix included. NINE OR NOTHING!" He cheered. "So let's help Felix live!"

Everyone started telling their own stories, Jeongin even saying this has been both the best and worse birthday he's had. Everyone was having fun, until...

The doctor stepped out of the room with a grim expression on his face, he looked at the group of friends before leaving.

This made everyone scared, as Changbin suddenly turned serious and barged in the room, others crowding around him to see

Felix laying down on the bed, posing sexily with a smirk.

"Hey, haven't you heard of cats having nine lives? I guess it applies to cat hybrids too."

the end

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