of hair coloring and changbin's plan

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"I said i'm sorry! What else do you want me to do?" Felix groaned.

"Don't leave me, ever again. Especially in the morning. The first thing I want to see in the morning is you." Changbin stopped walking to face Felix. "The idea of you leaving me hurts."

"Changbin, I'd never leave you, promise." Felix said as he grabbed Changbin's shoulders.

"Damn, Changbin is so whipped for you." Chan appeared out of no where and wrapped an arm around Felix.

Changbin's mood dropped. Felix once again looked so happy to see Chan.

"Oh. Hey Chan." Changbin emotionlessly greeted.

"Hey Changbin, nice too see you again!" Chan greeted with a really big smile. He knew Changbin was jealous.

"Yeah, you too." Changbin put up a fake smile.

"Anyways, could I borrow Felix today? I need to take him somewhere." Chan said.

"HELL NO!" Changbin growled as he pulled Felix closer to himself, causing Felix to widen his eyes in shock, but comply nonetheless.
(everyone needs a little exo in their lives amirite)
(no one asked but kyungsoo and xiumin are my biases)

"Dang that was hot..." Felix thought in his head.

"Well, Felix you're coming with me anyway, right?" Chan asked.

"Yeah. Changbin, please please please let me go." Felix begged as he looked at Changbin with a pout and the cutest look he could muster.

"Ugh, why do you make life so hard for me..." Changbin groaned. "Fine. But you'll have to stay with me in my place, for a week. Deal?"

"Sure, I love spending time with you anyways." Felix grinned as he gave Changbin a hug. "Thanks Binnie!"

Changbin mildly blushed, and this unfortunately caught Chan's eyes.

"Woah. Changbin blushing? I need to document this!" Chan exclaimed with a derp smile as he took his phone and started taking pictures.

Changbin didn't care, unlike before when he used to wrestle Chan into deleting his 'blackmail material' photos. What mattered to him was that Felix was happy... and his.

         "So i've been thinking... what about we dye that hair of yours?" Chan suggested as they walked down the street to his house. They had left a Changbin moments ago after he agreed on letting Felix stay with him.

"Sure, I guess. But what color though? And remember, i'm a hybrid." Felix asked. "I was thinking of going platinum blonde, but I don't know yet."

"Yeah! That color would look good on you. Let's do it. But don't worry, the owner of the hair salon we're going to accepts hybrids since her sister is one." Chan said as they walked towards the salon.

"Welcome to Dahyun's Hair Salon, how can I hel- Chan? Great to see you!" A woman greeted as they entered the shop.

"Hey Nayeon, my friend here needs to color his hair, and a slight trim." Chan smiled.

"Sure, let me call Dahyun. Give me a minute." Nayeon said as she went to call Dahyun.

"Wow, this place is nice." Felix commented as he looked around.  

"Yeah it is. Dahyun's friends really have a sense of design." Chan said.

"You're friends with almost everyone here. It's surprising because who would want to be friends with you?" Felix joked.

Chan was about to hit Felix but lucky for him, Nayeon arrived with a girl who's hair was just colorful as the salon.

"Hey Chan! Long time no see!" She moved in to give him a hug as a greeting.

"Yeah. Nice to see you again." He smiled.

"So what can I do for you today?"

"Well, not for me. But for him." Chan pointed towards Felix who waved.

"He'd like to have his hair dyed to platinum blonde and a slight trim. You think that'd suit him?"

Dahyun took a long look at him before nodding her head. "Yeah. I think he'd look really good."

"Okay then. I'll have my hair dyed back to black. I'm tired of gray hair. And oh yeah, he's a hybrid." Chan laughed.

Dahyun laughed too as she told something to Nayeon, who nodded her head and motioned Chan to follow her, leaving Felix alone with Dahyun.

"Okay, so i'll trim your hair first before bleaching it. Does that sound good? But i'll make sure your ears won't get affected, don't worry." She asked as Felix sat on the stool.

"Sure. Let's get it."

"Why would Felix even want to go with Chan? He chooses a friend over his own mate? Wowww i'm feeling the love." Changbin ranted as Woojin laughed at his jealousy.

"You're just jealous."

"Me? Jealous? Hah! Never." Changbin denied.

"Just admit it already. It's so obvious."

"Fine. I am. Happy?" Changbin rolled his eyes.

"I wonder if Chan was his past boyfriend, and he's trying to get Felix back..." Changbin thought out loud.

"Nahhh I dont th—"

"Yeah, i'm sure they are. And i'm hella jealous. I need to think of a plan." Changbin cut Woojin off.

"I don't think that's nec—"

"Since he's making me jealous... I should make him jealous too!.. Yeah that's a great idea. Don't you agree?" Changbin decided.

"I don't ag—"

"It's settled then! Now I just need to find someone to get help from..."

Woojin sighed. "I knew Chan shouldn't have tried making him jealous at the first place." He thought.

neoreul saranghaneun jjijiri jjijiri

i love myself some pentagon

i'll save the "no one asked but my bias is _____" for a later chapter ;))

after publishing this i'll start writing the next chapter

and as always, not proof read

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now