of jeongin's problem and hyunjin's dilemma

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"So yeah, that's what happened after we left." Felix finished. He just finished telling Seungmin and Jeongin what happened the time he was with Changbin. He was currently with them in Seungmin's house after leaving Changbin in his place while he was sleeping.
(wow felix so mean)

"I swear to god, the two of you are so cute. I'm changing my religion to Changlixsm!" Jeongin yelled as he threw a french fry at Seungmin in excitement, making Seungmin glare at him and kick him in the leg as Jeongin let out a pained scream.

"Stop throwing your food at me you idiot." Seungmin said as Felix laughed. "Anyways, Jeongin has something to tell you."

Jeongin was just about to pop a french fry in his mouth but stopped at the mention of his name and turned his head "I do?"

Seungmin gave him a look. "Yes, you do."

Jeongin thought for a solid minute before freaking out and saying "NO NO NOOOO".

"YES YES YESSSS. You're telling him either way!" Seungmin pushed him.

"Tell me what?" Felix asked.

"Jeongin found his mate." Seungmin spoke as he fought a wild Jeongin trying to cover his mouth but failed.

"omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg *inhale* omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg om—"

"Felix, shut up." The two said simultaneously. And as they realized that, they both high five as Felix gave them a look.

"Sometimes I wonder how the three of us are friends when the two of you always gang up on me."

"Nah, it shows how much we love you." Jeongin said as he patted Felix's shoulder and Seungmin nodded in agreement.

Felix rolled his eyes. "Moving on, who is it? And wait, you're not 17 yet... so how'd you know?"

Jeongin scratched his head. "Well, you know that I find out who my mate is by sniffing them out, and when we were at Jisung's party, something always smelled weird, but good whenever I passed by him, so I decided to talk to him and you know the rest blablabla."

Felix nodded. "So who is it then?"

Jeongin sighed. "Your brother, Chan."

"What the actual fuck."

"I'm so annoyed. I hate how Jeongin is so close to Seungmin." Hyunjin pouted.

"Dude, they're just friends. Chill." Minho said as he rested his hand on Jisung who was laying down on his lap using his phone.

"But they're so close!"

"Yeah look at this picture Jeongin posted on his instagram. They're basically touching each other!" Jisung said as he showed them his phone.

Hyunjin groaned. "How am I supposed to get Seungmin now?"

"You've been on a date with him before, right?" Minho asked.


"Did you have fun?"


"Did he have fun?"

"I don't... know?"

"Did it seem like he had fun?"

"Well, he was smiling and staying close to me the whole time..."

"Then he had fun." Minho clapped his hands. "Besides, I go to their house every. Seungmin just sees Jeongin as a brother."

"Wait. You go to their house? aND THEY LIVE TOGETHER?! Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Hyunjin yelled.

"Woah, chill. Minnie has sensitive ears." Jisung scolded as he held Minho who flinched at the sound.

Hyunjin cringed at the nickname and their PDA, but it's what he had to deal with since they were his best friends, though sometimes he felt like a third wheel.

"Didn't I tell you that I tutor Jeongin before?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Well if you did I wouldn't be asking you, idiot." Hyunjin deadpanned.

Minho gave him the finger but continued "I tutor him every week. I actually have a session with him tomorrow."

"Wait. I have an idea." Minho exclaimed. "Come with me tomorrow."

"THAT's THE SMARTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD COMING FROM YOU!" Hyunjin yelled once again, making Jisung scold him.

"Stop attacking me! I'm older than you, dimwit!"

"Sorry, old man." Hyunjin said before standing up. "See you guys later, I have a shop to open." He smiled before running out the door.


"You're not joking? Chan's your mate?" Felix stifled a laugh. "God, I don't know who to pity, either you or Chan."

Jeongin pulled Felix's exposed tail, causing him to yelp in pain.

"Jeongin needs some help with his love life, so we're gonna ask you a few questions." Seungmin said as Felix motioned him to continue.

"Does Chan like hybrids? I mean you've come out to him already, right?"

"Yeah, and he thinks they're cute. So no problem with that." Felix replied. "But he thinks you're cuter." He said as he winked at Jeongin, who mildly blushed.

"Well then, Jeongin has nothing to worry about." Seungmin said.

Felix's phone dinged, then it dinged again, then again and again until Seungmin got annoyed and told him to read the messages.

10:23 am

felix where are u

how dare you leave me

i am highkey offended

where are you text me the address

i'm in seungmin's house


okok chill here xxxx

btw sorry for leaving you ehe
read 10:25 am

"Changbin's picking me up like in 5 minutes." Felix said as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Look at Felix, leaving us once again. How disappointing." Jeongin sighed.

"Yeah. I wonder what happened to 'Bros before hoes', am i right?" Seungmin said.

"Stop making me feel guiltyyy, I still love you guys." Felix said.

"Psh, we wish."

The doorbell sounded, signaling that Changbin has arrived.

"Well, see you guys later." Felix waved at the two who waved back.

Felix opened the door to see Changbin who was dressed simply.

"Wow, I never knew your boyfriend was that small." Jeongin commented, making Seungmin slap his forehead at his rudeness.

"Yeah... he's kid sized." Felix laughed as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey! What did I ever do to you!" Changbin whined.

"Bye guys!" Felix waved as he pushed a pouting Changbin out the door.

"They grow up so fast..." Seungmin sighed.

"You act as if you're older than them."

"Shut up Jeongin, let me have my moment."

ring ding dong

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