of surprises and bonding

13.7K 830 948

lol the @title
but i currently can't think of any other words ok

         "Mmm... this is some really nice chicken." Changbin commented with a smile as he stared straight at Felix's eyes, who was sitting across him.

"Yeah. Our Felix here is a really great cook. Usually he's the one cooking meals for us." Jeongin grinned, chicken stuffed in his mouth.

Felix had clammy hands as he used the utensils attached to his hands. He sent a forced smile towards the two.

"Why am i so nervous?" Felix asked himself. Truthfully, he didn't know too.

"Maybe this is a sign that he actually is my soulmate. Heck, i can't even swallow my food properly with the amount of butterflies in my stomach. Oh dear lord please kill m—" He thought before being cut off by Seungmin nudging him.

"Hey, you okay there? You look troubled." Seungmin whispered.

"Of course i am! You invited my crush over for dinner. How could i not be nervous?" Felix hissed, sending the younger a glare.

Seungmin sent a look to Changbin, who was currently chatting with Jeongin.

"Crush? So you finally admit it don't you. Lee Felix has a crush on Something Changbin." Seungmin singsonged.

"It's Seo, you dumbass."

"How do you even know?"

"I have my sources."

Seungmin rolled his eyes.

         Soon, everyone was done eating after a hearty chat about random things that came into their minds. Sure, Changbin felt a little awkward around the three friends since he couldn't relate to what they were talking about, but the trio always found ways to make him join in.

Shortly it was time for Seungmin and Jeongin to go home, since it was getting quite late. Felix waved them goodbye and rolled his eyes as Seungmin mouthed a quick "get some dick!" at him and winked. Leaving him mumbling curses towards his friend.

"Hey Changbin, wanna play some mario kart?" Felix asked in English as he toyed with the ball in his hands.

Changbin smiled. "Sure, but let's set a deal. Loser has to do something for the winner, okay?" He replied in English, and soon their whole convo went on in English.

"Deal." Felix secretly smirked. Out of all three of his friends, he was the best player with his regularly chosen character, Princess Peach.

Felix set up his console and grabbed the controllers, tossing one towards Changbin, who grabbed it.

They started as Changbin chose Yoshi as his character. The game was heated between the two men, both equally good at the game. Throughout the race, both were side by side, one sometimes falls back but rushes back ahead after a swift comeback. Felix was honestly amazed with Changbin's skills.

After an hour of playing multiple rounds, yelling and cursing included, the winner has been decided. The winner was revealed to be... Changbin.

Now Felix was feeling anxious. He wondered what Changbin would make him do.

"I win, didn't i?" Changbin smirked. He worked hard today since he really wanted to win that deal, and it seems like his hard work payed off.

"Yes you did." Felix pouted as he crossed his arms.

Changbin chuckled at his cuteness as he patted his beanie covered hair, noticing that it was slightly hard. But he shook those thoughts away.

It was around 11 PM. Felix yawned as he chewed on a slice of pizza he heated up from his fridge. Changbin was also eating one.

"You sleepy? I could go home now if you want."

Felix rubbed his eyes as he looked at Changbin and slowly nodded. A yawn coming out of his mouth once again.

"Bye Binnie, i appreciated your company. Until next time!" Felix said with a smile as he guided the latter out of his place.

Changbin was left flustered in the empty hallway. He has been called Binnie by the person he admired. Squealing softly, he rushed towards his door and jiggled his pant pocket for his keycard. He patted both sides once, twice, but he couldn't feel the hard, flat surface beneath his palms. Hell, he even checked his butt pocket.

"I must've left it inside." He thought to himself. Then he remembered a while ago's happenings and realized that he indeed left it inside.

He sweared at himself and circled the front of his door thinking of what to do. The lobby was probably closed by now, so that was a no no.

Only one thought entered his mind.

He had to stay in Felix's place.

         Felix on the other hand, was preparing for a shower soon after Changbin's departure.

He stripped out of his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist. He took off his beanie and fingered the slightly wet hair on his head, scratching his ears in the process.

He was about to step into the shower when his doorbell rang.

Who could be ringing at this hour?

He quickly placed the nearest beanie on his head and once again wrapped his white towel around his waist and ran towards the door yelling a faint "coming".

         The door opened and there Changbin saw Felix, half naked.

It took all of his self control to just stop and touch him everywhere.
(same tbh)

Felix caught him staring and immediately covered up his upper body. Rushing so much that his towel almost fell from his waist.

"C-changbin? What's up?" Felix stuttered out, face hot and red.

Hearing his name leave his bae's lips, he snapped back to his senses and started speaking.

"U-uh... i kinda left my keycard in my place and the lobby's closed at this hour. Do you mind if i stay at your place?"

hey double update bcs i still can't believe i hit 1k+ reads in a short time ok i heart you all

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hey double update bcs i still can't believe i hit 1k+ reads in a short time ok i heart you all

once again not proofread :v)

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now