of jeongin's confessions and jeongmin's friendship

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         "Look at Felix with his new friends." Jeongin spat in jealousy. "I though we were his one and only!"

They were currently hiding in a bush across the street from Chan's house and was spying on Felix through the window. They were going to go grocery shopping but Jeongin smelt Felix's scent somewhere around and decided to spy on him. Though Jeongin had another reason...

"Jeongin, that's his brother and his friend." Seungmin flatly stated. He wanted to go grocery shopping, not this.

"Look at Felix casually holding Chan's hand like it's nothing." Jeongin squinted his eyes before muttering "I'd kill to be in that spot."

Hearing this, Seungmin's eyes widened and he shot up from the bush. "What did you say?!"

Jeongin also shot up from the bush and said "I said I'd kill to be in that spot!"

"Wait did l actually say that out loud?" Jeongin took a second to reflect before looking at Seungmin's shocked face and their current positions.

"And here comes the questions..." Jeongin thought.

"You like Chan?!" Seungmin asked, still surprised.

"I think he's my mate."

"But you're not 17 yet!"
(yeaahhhh i know i'm only seventeen i only got a few dollars~)

"I will be, in a week." Jeongin said.

"Oh my god, how could I forget! Jeongin, i'm so happy for you!"

"I knew you never liked me... you always looked at me as a brother." Jeongin thought in his head. Yes, he did have a crush on Seungmin in the past.

"I said I THINK."

"Come on, we need to talk this over somewhere else. Not here." Seungmin said as he led the boy towards the nearest place, Hyunjin's Tea House.

They entered and was greeted by a small amount of customers in the store, something Jeongin was thankful for.

Hyunjin was behind the counter making some tea and lifted his eyes when he heard the door's bell chiming, signaling someone entered the store. His mood immediately shot up after seeing it was Seungmin, but went back down after seeing Jeongin with him.

He and Seungmin made eye contact as they smiled at eachother.

They quickly sat down as Seungmin began his interrogation.

"How do you find your mate again? Didn't you say that all you had to do was sniff them out?" Seungmin asked.

"Yep. I may not be of age yet, but there's this thing inside me that's telling me that he's my mate. That's why I approached him in the bar, something smelt funny whenever I passed by him."

"Ooooo Jeongin is growing up!" Seungmin cooed as he reached over to pinch his cheeks. It was times like this where Jeongin thought whether or not he still wanted to live. While someone else was jealous af...

"Stop, hyung. Besides I still don't know if Chan has a boy/girlfriend." Jeongin crosses his arms.

"And that's why we have Felix. We should tell him." Seungmin said.

"Absolutely not!" Jeongin yelled, gaining everyone's attention.

Seungmin apologetically smiled towards the other customers as Hyunjin walked towards them.

"Hey Seungmin and Jeongin. Please keep it down once again." Hyunjin said as he placed two cups of earl gray tea on their table, making the two look at him in confusion.

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