of revealings and new friendships

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jeongmin won ;)

         Changbin was confused. "Yeah, Lee Felix. Why?" he asked.
Chan looked pale. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, i need to go to the washroom." He said as he meekly stood up and walked towards the washroom.

"See, i told you. You'd see him being crazy and fun, then he'll be serious."

           Chan paced around the washroom. The person he ran away from, Lee Felix, was in Korea. His emotions were all over the place. Should he meet up with him, or not?

"Lix, I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too hyung."

"You won't ever leave me, won't you?"

"Never, bro. Never ever."
(ever gonna let you gooo~)

"Okay hyung."

He left his step brother (btch you thought) alone with that cruel family of his. He can't believe himself. But it had to be done. He had his reasons.

He sat on the toilet and put his head in his hands. What a small world it is.

How would Felix feel? Would he slap him right there like how his ex girlf— nevermind.

They both got separated on bad terms. Chan didn't tell him his plan on leaving Australia. Leaving the poor 13 year old Felix crying for a week.

Yes, he left Australia when he was 16. He was now 21, and it has been 5 years since he's last seen Felix.

He didn't know what to do.

Knocks were heard. "Chan? You ok in there?" It was Woojin.

He didn't realize that tears were already falling from his eyes. He cleared his throat before replying
"Y-eah, *sniff* i'm fine."

"O...kay? Come out when your ready."

Woojin walked back to Changbin, who was confused as hell.

"How does he know my Felix?"

"That'll be 9,000 won. Anything else?"

The customer shook his head and handed him the cash, as Felix took it with a smile.

He was the last customer in line, so Felix wiped his hands on his apron and popped a stray (kids) cookie from the counter into his mouth, savoring the sweet yet crumbly feeling.

"Hey, those are for sale. Not for you to freely eat while working!" Bambam scolded as he smacked the boy on the back of his head, earning a small whine from boy. "But i was hungry!"

"I'll let you go this time, don't do it again." Bambam said. "Now get back to work, Yugyeomie's calling~"

Felix laughed. "Yes sir."

He stood in front of the counter, fixing the dark blue beanie on his head, when he heard the door's chime ring, signaling that someone has entered.

"Welcome to B— Minho?"

"Yep, it's me. Can i have a latte, please?" He panted out. He was wearing specs and a white V-neck paired with a checkered flannel around his waist along with black jeans. He was sweating too.

"You sure you wouldn't want that iced? You look a bit hot." Felix said as he took out a cup from the holder.

"I think so. I just got back from dancing, you see. Ok, i'd have it iced." He said as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"Ok. It'll be there in a jiffy. Have a seat." Felix offered as carefully placed each ingredient into the cup.

"No thanks, I'm rushing. Jisung must be worried at this point." Minho groaned as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Jisung? Your boy friend, or soulmate?" Felix asked with a grin as he shook the shaker containing his latte, mixing everything together.

"Soulmate... heh." Minho muttered, blushing at the mention of his one and only.

Felix placed the drink in his cup, covering it before grabbing a green frosted donut and placing it inside a paper bag with B'Chill's amazing logo covering the front.

"Here, a little something to congratulate you for finding your soulmate. Tell him i said hi." He smiled as he handed him his drink and pastry. Seeing Minho grabbing his wallet from his back pocket, he stopped him. "It's on the house. I'll pay for it, don't worry. It's also a thanks (gOMAPDA) for teaching Jeongin well."

"We just met yesterday yet you're so nice to me already. Thanks so much." Minho bowed his head, gratefully taking the food.

Felix chuckled. "No problem. You help my friends. It's nothing, really. And you're older than me, keep your head up."

Minho checked his watch "Oh no, i really have to go. Jisung will kill me. Thanks again!" He rushed out as he ran out of the door, waving and smiling at Felix.

Felix smiled back and waved, and grabbed his wallet and put money in the cash register, so Bambam won't scold him.

"Feeeeeeelix... your shifts over!
Mingyu's here. See you!" Bambam yelled from his office.

He took off his apron and hanged it in his locker in the employees room. Slinging his string bag behind his back. He walked out and greeted Mingyu, who was just about to enter.

"Chan hyung, you okay?" Changbin worriedly asked his hyung who looked downcast.

"Yeah... yeah i am." But it seemed like he was reassuring himself, than replying to Changbin's question.

"Oh? Then who is Felix to you?"

who IS felix to you?

fix it felix!

not proofread as always (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

i have a 3k special coming up tomorrow hmmm who can guess what it is

beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now