of akwardness and more bonding

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lol @title pt. 2

         Felix widened his eyes. "Y-you're going to sleep... in my place?"

Changbin scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "Yeah... sorry if i'm distur—"

"No no no, you aren't disturbing me!" Felix rushed out with a heated face as he pulled the male inside, one hand still clutching the towel covering his exposed body, swiftly curling his tail so that it wouldn't be seen.
(hey i forgot to say this in the other chapter but before changbin entered his place felix tucked his tail in his sweatpants ok ty)

"N-now if you excuse me, i'm going to change. The bathrooms that way incase you want to take a shower. Towels are in the cabinet inside." He voiced before running to his room.

"This was a bad idea." Felix thought in his head as he ran a hand through his hair, hands grazing his white ears. "How am i supposed to hide my ears... and my tail... sleep with a beanie?"

Then he remembered that he hasn't bought a bed for the extra bedroom. Does that mean... he'd have to sleep with him?

"No... maybe i could sleep on the couch." Felix whispered to himself as he buttoned up his navy blue pajama shirt and slipped on the matching pants.

He groaned as he stuffed his face into his pillow.

         Changbin on the other hand, was currently in the shower smothering a generous amount of Felix's amazing smelling shampoo that immediately made his hair feel soft and fluffy even though it was still wet. He reminded himself to take a picture of the bottle and buy himself some too. Then he lathered his body with Felix's body wash hat smelt like peaches and wet wood.

Soon, he finished showering and reached to grab the towel he prepared on the hanger after taking it from the cabinet.

He suddenly remembered... that he didn't have any clothes.

He smacked himself at the idea that came into his mind.

"Uh, Felix?" Changbin yelled from the bathroom.

"Yes? You need clothes?" Felix yelled back.

"Yeah i do. Thank you." Changbin replied.

He heard shuffling before a knock on the door was heard.

"You can come in."

Felix opened the door just so that his arm could fit. He definitely wasn't prepared to see Changbin's naked body.

Changbin chuckled at his action and grabbed the clothes which consisted of a gray and maroon colored long sleeve shirt, and sweatpants.

"No boxers? Eh that's fine." Changbin thought to himself as he said a quick thank you to Felix who was closing the door.

He quickly wore the clothes given to him and placed the wet towel around his neck, stepping out of the bathroom.

         It was around 11:30 and Felix was sitting on the couch when Changbin walked in from the bathroom hair wet and tousled.

He gulped.

"You could go over to my room to sleep. I'll sleep here." Felix said, taking his eyes off his phone.

"What? No! I can't let that happen, it's your home, not mine." Changbin protested.

"It's fine, really. I could sleep here. You're my guest." Felix replied, standing up to grab a spare blanket from another cabinet.

He was making his way towards the cabinet when a hand gripped his arm.

"We could sleep together on your bed then. It's king size anyways, right?" Changbin stated. There was something in his eyes that said that he couldn't decline since it held this kind of dominance that even he couldn't explain.

"Yeah... it is. But i have rough sleeping habits. You sure?" Felix lied. He was trying to make Changbin not want to sleep with him.

"You don't look like the snoring type of person, so that's fine. Now come on, i'm sleepy and i know you are too." Changbin stated. Pulling Felix's arm that he held on to the whole time towards the bedroom.

Felix pulled his beanie closer to his head, fixing his bangs. He had to make sure it wouldn't fall off while they slept.

Changbin laid down on one side and Felix on the other.

They both laid down, eyes pointing towards the ceiling. Felix felt uncomfortable. Sure, the bed was big, but their legs were somehow touching.

Felix felt sleepy already, so he grabbed one of the two pillows behind his head and brought it close to his chest and turning his body in such way that his back was facing Changbin who turned to face him when he felt the bed move.

Changbin stared at his back, seeing that he was still wearing his beanie. He was beyond curious, but decided to respect his privacy.

Changbin couldn't sleep. His beloved Munchlax, Gyu was left in his unit, and he couldn't sleep without it.

He tried hugging a pillow too like Felix, but it didn't work. He was still wide awake despite his sleepiness a while ago.

He stared at Felix again.

He wanted to try something.

He slowly moved towards Felix who seemed like he was sleeping, and wrapped an arm around him.

Felix too was still awake, also unable to sleep. He stiffened under his arm that began moving trying to find a comfortable position.

In the end, Felix's head was below Changbin's chin and resting against his chest.

"He smells... good." Felix thought.

Changbin placed his leg over Felix's waist as his other leg got tangled with Felix's.

Soon, they both fell into a peaceful slumber.

i suddenly feel like these two are too cute for me to write smut

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i suddenly feel like these two are too cute for me to write smut.

maybe mild smut like kisses and bla but i don't feel like writing the actual thing ok i'm sorry.

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