of bump-ins and information

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"Seungmin! Where's my beanie?" Felix yelled from upstairs as he shuffled around looking for his beanie.

"It's here, i hyung. Seriously though, you should really buy more!" Seungmin yelled back.

Felix ran down the stairs. It was messy in the living room since Jeongin was playing around again. He loved his friends, yes. But he couldn't take how messy they are. Luckily, maintenance called and told him that would be able to move back in his apartment tomorrow.

He was almost late to work. So he grabbed his beanie, and ran out of the apartment, string bag in hand. Thankfully, his animal half of him gave him to ability to run faster than a normal person.

He arrived there a without breaking a sweat, another pro of being a cat hybrid.

"Felix! Right on time. Anyways, i forgot to tell you yesterday, we're closing early today. I have a date with my dear Yugyeomie." Bambam swooned, eyes sparkling.

"We're closing at 12:00, and it's currently 10:00, so 2 hours. Work hard!" Bambam continued as he walked into his office.

He wore his apron and stepped behind the counter. Replacing Wonwoo, who's shift just ended.
(everyone needs a bit of svt in their lives amirite)
(no one asked but wonwoo is my bias)

Changbin wasn't around, Felix noticed. Bambam said he usually comes around after lunch. Guess he wouldn't be able to see him today.

An hour and a half later, Bambam decided to leave early and get ready for his date. Leaving Felix to close the store himself. No one else had shifts now expect for him.

After serving a bit more people, 12:00 came. And he prepared to close the shop, there was just one more customer left. He walked over to the door and switched the sign from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSE'. Noticing this, the customer widened his eyes and took his coffee out, apologizing to Felix who just smiled.

He brewed himself up a tall sized latte, and placed his money in the register, also typing in his order on the computer.

Bag on his back and latte on one hand, he flicked off the light switch and stepped out of the shop; locking the door.

He had nothing to do the whole afternoon. So he decided to walk around Seoul, walking on the high street while looking in windows of shops. He needed new clothes.

He was using his phone while walking, and not before realizing it... he had accidentally bumped into someone.

His latte went flying in the air, but he was agile enough to catch it before it spilled on the guy.

"Woah sorry i wasn't loo— ey, Felix?"

Felix looked up, and it indeed was Changbin. This time, he wasn't wearing a hat, and Felix thought he was cute.

"Oh, hey Changbin." Felix greeted in Korean, composing himself.

"What are you doing here? Going shopping?" Changbin questioned.

"Uh, pardon?"

"You going shopping? You can talk to me in English, it's fine." Changbin repeated, in english this time.

"Oh, thanks. And yeah, i'm going shopping. I need new clothes."

Changbin swore he could feel tingles around his body as he heard Felix's accent.

"Me too! Let's go together!"

Before Felix could respond, Changbin already has his arm locked in his as he pulled him into a nearby clothing shop.

Felix bought some new beanies, because of  this morning's incident.

"Mind if i ask, but why do you always wear a beanie? Sure i've just met you like a few days ago, but it seems like you never take it off, even when it's not hot. But you look good either way." Changbin said as he walked over to him with a selection of blacks and whites on his arm.

Felix brushed his carefully styled bangs that was out of the beanie to the side as he began speaking "Oh i just feel comfortable with beanies that's all."

"Oh, that's cool." Changbin replied as he walked over to the hat section.

Felix picked out a few more scarves and jeans before he went over to Changbin.

"You're done? Perfect timing. I'm done too. Come on, let's pay." Changbin said as he walked over to the cash register.

Felix placed his items on the counter as the cashier scanned them.

"That would be ₩250,712. Cash or credit?"

Felix took out his wallet and took out his black card, a card his dad regularly deposits money in.


He signed the receipt and took his shopping bag from the woman. Changbin was done paying in the other cashier, and was waiting by the exit.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, i'll treat you ice cream." Felix apologized.

But just as what he did to Felix a while back, Felix didn't wait for a reply as he dragged Changbin to the nearest ice cream shop.

They entered the shop and Felix asked Changbin what flavor he wanted, and he replied with "Chocolate"

"Hello, welcome to Jennie's Ice Cream. What would you like to order?"

"I'll have a vanilla cone with sprinkles and a chocolate cone."

"Coming right up."

She placed two scoops of ice cream on each cone and handed it to them, as Felix payed for it.

"Are you two a couple? You guys are really cute together." The cashier smiled.

"Oh, we're not a couple." Changbin said, scratching his head.

"Too bad, hope you two get together in the future!" The cashier cheered before attending to another customer.

"Weird cashier... anyways i'm off to my house, see you!" Felix waved as he started to walk away.

"Wait!" Changbin yelled.

Felix turned around.

"Let me walk you home."

Felix didn't refuse.


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beanie // CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now