of elevators and best friends

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          Felix walked towards the condominium with a heavy heart as his beanie was slightly drooping from his head. It was the beanie that started it all...

He was quietly crying the whole walk home, and finally he had entered the lobby of his condo. His head was faced down the whole time. He proceeded with his slow walk towards the elevator.

When he was already inside, Changbin, who just got home from his gloomy car ride, caught Felix in his sight . "Felix! I'm sorry, let me explain! Wait!" He yelled as he ran as fast as he could.

Felix lifted his head at the voice and locked eyes with him, and it seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. Changbin noticed how swollen and bloodshot Felix's eyes are, and he knew he fucked up. Bad.

Felix widened his eyes and repeatedly pressed the close button, not wanting to be in the same place as Changbin. To Felix's luck, the elevator did close before Changbin could stop it from closing, and he sighed in relief.

Changbin on the other hand, was left face to face with a closed elevator door. He yelled as he forcefully pounded his fist against the metal door with frustrated tears in his eyes. He regretted everything...

People stared at him but he didn't care. He just wanted his Lix back.

Soon a new elevator opened and he walked in with his head down the whole time as he wiped his face from tears, but they still kept falling. It has been so long since he'd cry this much...

He reached his floor and took one step out of the elevator and turned his head towards Felix's door before sighing and hating on himself even more. Each step he took towards his door made him think of the times Felix and he would take walks outside hand in hand. He slowly slid his back down his door and sat on the floor as he cupped his face in his hands, regretting everything.

         "A-and then, he *hiccup* sweared and yelled at me as if he didn't want me anymore!" Felix sobbed through the phone. He was currently talking to Seungmin and Jeongin, who were both worried about their friend.

"Ohhhhh i'm so gonna beat the shit out of that boy." Seungmin threatened, and you could hear the cracking of knuckles through the phone.

"Hey no. He's still Felix's mate." Jeongin stopped him.

That made Felix cry even harder.

"Sorry sorry. Me and Jeongin will be there in five, don't worry. See you there." Seungmin bade.
(everyone needs a little bit of suju in their lives amirite)
(no one asked but my biases are donghae and heechul)

"Damn. Who knew Changbin would do that?" Jeongin wondered. "I thought he loved Felix."

"Same. But maybe he was just really angry? Nonetheless he shouldn't have said that." Seungmin placed some food in a plastic bag. "Let's go, Felix is waiting." Jeongin nodded.

         "I swear to god I really hate that stupid elevator music." Seungmin groaned as they stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as they stepped out, they immediately saw Changbin who was still sitting outside his door.

"Hey Jeongin, you've never heard of hybrid's mates yelling at them right?" Seungmin asked. He was calling Changbin out. Changbin lifted his head a little bit.

"Huh? Didn't Changbin do that?" Jeongin asked, clearly confused.

Seungmin nudged him and motioned towards Changbin with his neck.

Jeongin mouthed an "ohhhh" before shaking his head. "Nope, never heard of something like that."

Both then simultaneously tilted their heads and glared at Changbin, making him feel even more ashamed of what he did.

The two of them continued their way towards Felix's place while glaring at Changbin, and since they couldn't see what was going on behind them, Jeongin accidentally hit the back of his head on Felix's door as he yelped in pain.

"Jeongin, when will you stop being so stupid." Seungmin made fun of him.

"Shut up, you're the one who got me into this."

"I can't believe you've done this." Seungmin feigned shock. "Why do you always blame me?"

"Whatever. Let's just go inside." Jeongin rolled his eyes as he knocked on the door.

"Hey, block Felix's view from seeing Changbin." Seungmin whispered to Jeongin as he nodded in response.

After a few seconds, Felix opened the door and Seungmin immediately pushed Jeongin inside and closed the door.

"Ow, what was that for?" Jeongin whined. "First you make me hit my head, now you push me." Seungmin just laughed.

"Dang, you look like shit." Seungmin said as he looked at Felix, who looked like he had his face dumped in tomato soup, almost all parts of his face red.

Felix just continued crying as Seungmin took out the food he brought for him out of the bag. They were all Felix's favorite foods.

"Come on, let's go to the couch. Then you could tell us everything."

Felix sniffed as his crying toned down after Seungmin gently massaged his cat ears and quietly ate his sausage. Jeongin was giving him a comforting hug from the side.

"When we went here, we saw Changbin sitting outside his door looking like a mess. He must be really sorry." Jeongin said. Those words made Felix feel like forgiving Changbin, but he wouldn't let himself give in so easily. What if he'll do it again?

"Hey, what about we set Felix up with some hot guy to make Changbin regret doing that to our baby?" Seungmin exclaimed.

"I don't think that would work. Hybrids are extremely loyal to their mates. They can't fake a relationship with other people. And also, if hybrids go a week without their mates after finding them, their bodies would slowly weaken until they... die." Jeongin muttered the last part.

"Damn... we can't let that happen!" Seungmin leaned closer to Felix as his two best friends sandwiched him in between.

Too much has happened in a day for Felix, and with the help of Seungmin's massages, he slowly fell asleep.

i want to watch amigo tv already the teasers are killing me

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