The Afternoon

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Sarah continued running across the hallway and straight out the door into the pouring rain. She was out of the school grounds; she was hoping to get away from her classmates and everyone around her. At first she couldn't find a safe place to hide - she began to panic - so she kept on running. Eventually, she came to an abandoned playground.

In haste, she opened the gate, leaving to shut by itself and climbed inside a jungle gym. When she was inside, she began to sob loudly. She didn't care if she was lost or if anyone noticed she was missing. All she wanted to do is shut herself away from the world. And that was it.


Sarah didn't know how she had been crying for; time had drifted so quickly and the rain kept pouring down. She had a good cry but she hadn't recovered from the shock that happened at lunch time. She didn't want to go back. "I can't go back", she said.

Listening to her own response, Sarah decided to go home. With no one looking, she dashed back to Vine Street and back into the flat.

At the door, she noticed an envelope hanging up on top of the knob; it was addressed to her. Sarah took the envelope and let herself in. She then went into her bedroom, before she opened the letter. It was from Cassandra:

The girls and I have gone out for the evening. I trust you have no plans, so the kitchen needs dusting and we need more milk for fridge. Left money on the counter.


Sarah sighed miserably. Not only she a lot of cleaning to do but she had to go shopping. She then noticed the ticking of the kitchen clock - it was one-thirty.

"Doesn't matter now".


It took Sarah an hour and a half to clean the kitchen, as well washing the dishes. But she remembered to change her clothes. She didn't have a chest of drawers but she did have plenty of clothes that were neatly folded together. In exchange for her bright red dungaree dress, tights and white shirt, she switched to a bright pink top and jeans. Sarah put them in the wash before cleaning; once the kitchen was finished, Sarah hang them up for drying. She left them when she took the money for the milk. It was now three-thirty.

Out the door, Sarah slowly walked through Vine Street before stopping at a nearby store.

Inside, Sarah saw plenty of food, drinks, snacks, magazines and stationary. It didn't interest her much, since she was keen to go home and rest.

She purchased the milk from a quiet assistant; Sarah guessed that she was sad too.

Sarah then made her way home, hoping to sleep on her sleeping bag. She wasn't concentrating on where she was going; a cloud of doubt fell upon her head. Sarah didn't know if it was guilt or sorrow. It was a feeling of uncertainty, that's for sure. Uncertainty wasn't good because it was a emotion that knocked a confidence. But for Sarah, this feeling was common. Since the death of her father, all she had was this feeling. So, it was normal for her. Suddenly -

- CRASH! -

"Oh, no!" Sarah tripped over a lose title on the sidewalk and as fell into the ground, Sarah's bag split, which made the plastic bottle knock over and spill milk everywhere. "Now, what am I going to do?" Sarah began to cry again.

She knew she couldn't buy more milk; Cassandra didn't give her extra change so she was lost. "I'm in a lot of trouble now".

Sarah buried her face in her hands, so she could cover the tears from her eyes. Her soft sobs were very quiet; Sarah didn't want anyone to hear her cries for help. No one will be able to help her, so there was no point.


Sarah noticed a mysterious hand, touching her shoulder. She took her hands away and opened her eyes. It was Arnold, sitting next to her.

"We were looking for you everywhere. Are you alright?"

Sarah shook her head.

"I was at the Dentist this morning. When I learned what happened, I was shocked. I cannot believe what Rhonda did to you".

"Well, I don't blame her", Sarah replied sadly. "She had a right to do so".

Arnold gasped in shock, "How can you say that, Sarah?"

"Arnold, this isn't the first time I've been called a freak. I'm used it because there is something different about me. I didn't want to tell anybody, in case I lose my friends".

"Whatever it is, Sarah, it can help you with your troubles. I'll always stand by you no matter what".


"I promise", he smiled. Arnold gently placed his arm on Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah inhaled a short breath and wiped her tears away with her sleeve. She looked into Arnold's eye, preparing for the worst. His warm, smiling eyes were welcoming; it could change in an instant. Then what? However, Arnold wanted to know the truth, so she had to give it to him. "Arnold, have you heard of the word Autism?"

"No", he replied gently.

"Well, Autism - from what I understand - is a developmental disability. This means that I'm opposite to the people I come across. It has an affect on my communication skills. Like understanding words I can't pronounce or answer questions that some people ask me.

"There is no cure for Autism, so I'll always have difficulty understanding some meanings, conversations, words, being in social situations and how to interact with others.

"I may not understand everything but I am still human. But some people don't see it".

Sarah was waiting for a negative response; she was used to it. She received these comments when she was at Primary school back in England. So, it'll come as no surprise to her.

"I do", Arnold answered.

Sarah looked at him in shock. "Arnold?"

Arnold smiled at Sarah. "Sarah, I know nothing about Autism but what I do know is that the person sitting next to me is a true, honest and brave friend.

"Since you are a friend, I want to do my best to support you. And so will Gerald, Phoebe and Helga. Don't let anyone bring you down. If they do, we'll be there to help you.

"We'll treat you like you are one of us. We promise not to judge you or your Autism. You are perfect as you are".

Arnold gave Sarah a hug and she gave him a hug in return. "Thank you, Arnold. I promise to not judge you too. Or Gerald, Phoebe or Helga. If I do, you have permission for Helga to punish me".

The two friends laughed.

"Permission granted. Hey, would you like to come with me and my parents for the afternoon? We're going the local Botanical Gardens. You don't have too".

"I would love too, Arnold. Thank you". Sarah loves visiting Botanical Gardens; her favourite gardens she used to visit were ones at Kew Gardens back in London. She hadn't been there for a while but she always wanted to visit more, whether the Gardens weren't in London.

"Great. Let's go, Sarah".

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