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The afternoon came and went. When the school day was over, Arnold and Sarah said their goodbyes to their friends - even Helga gave Arnold a quick peck on the cheek when there were no big crowds.

"Listen, Britannia. You didn't see anything. This is only between the three of us. Got it?"

Arnold had warned Sarah that Helga can be feisty when she and Arnold weren't alone; so, she was prepared. "Whatever you say, Helga", she winked.

Helga then gave Sarah a smile. "I like you, Britannia".


When they were outside, Sarah saw Arnold running toward a couple. It was the same couple Sarah met this morning.

"Hello, stranger", Miles greeted. "Didn't think we would see you again".

"Dad and Mum", Arnold said. "This is Sarah. She's also going to be my study buddy".

"That is if I behave", Sarah joked.

"Sounds like you have your hands full, Arnold", Stella responded.

"Sarah's no trouble, Mum", Arnold said. "You should have seen her at school today. She's incredible. Intelligent, even".

Sarah blushed. "I'm not, Arnold. To be honest, I enjoy some of the subjects at school".

"We shall put it to the test".
The four of them arrived back at Sunset Arms, with huge smiles on their faces. Stella and Miles couldn't help but ask Arnold and Sarah a lot of questions: What did you do today? Where did you life originally? What's the Sixth Grade like? What do the schools teach them today? After a while, Arnold and Sarah were out of breath. It looked like that Stella and Miles had so many questions that they wanted to answer.

"Your parents are very enthusiastic, Arnold", Sarah puffed.

"They've been travelling", he replied. "I'll tell you the story later".

As Arnold opened the door, a crowd of stray animals ran out of the door; in a flash, they scattered into the street, almost knocking Sarah to the ground.

"Are you alright, Sarah?"

"Never felt better, Arnold", Sarah replied laughing.

They all walked inside to a hallway, echoing with screams and demands.

"Where's this!!!!"

"Where's that!!!!"

"Hurry up!!!!"

And I thought my Stepmother and sisters were bad, Sarah thought.

At that moment, there was an elderly man walking into the room, muttering to himself quietly. Sarah could see he wasn't very happy. That was until he saw them.

"Well, what you do know? All the family is back!"

"Hi, Grandpa", Arnold smiled.

"How was your first day, Short Man?"

"Well, it was interesting. I probably say it was - "

Arnold could see his Grandpa looking at Sarah, standing in between Miles and Stella. Sarah gave Grandpa a little smile, who smiled in return. "Who's your friend, Short Man?"

"Grandpa, this is Sarah. She's in my class". 

"It's nice to meet you", Sarah said softly. 

"Such polite manners", the man replied. "She's a little lady". 

Suddenly, a cry of excitement echoed across the hallway as an elderly lady walked toward the door. She was dressed in white with flowers in her hair; in the air, she was twirling colored ribbons. She was celebrating an occasion - but it was the wrong occasion. 

"Pookie", the man cried. "Be careful, you'll knock our new guest over!"

"Guest?" the lady asked. "You mean the Princess, here?" 

Sarah was about to respond but Arnold touched her shoulder. She looked at him in confusion, but Arnold smiled. This was indication that it was time to be creative. Sarah still looked at her friend in confusion but decided she'll follow and observe. 

"Oh, indeed, Grandma", Arnold replied in a fake British Accent. "Princess Grace Kelly of Morocco, here on an important occasion". 

Sarah giggled; although she didn't understand what was going on. 

"Your highness, what an honor",  she curtsied. 

"Er", Sarah stumbled. "The pleasure is all mine?"

Arnold smiled at her, which made her react. Sarah smiled in return. 

"Come, come, you must be exhausted after your journey". 

Sarah was led down the hallway with Arnold following behind her. On the way, she was memorized by the bright colors, all the patterns and the pictures on the wall. There was one which caught her attention but at a fast pace, she couldn't stop. 

It didn't take them long to reach Pookie's destination - it was a living room, full of vintage furniture, curling around more colorful objects: carpets, the walls and lampshades. Somehow, Sarah knew she had entered into a Wonderland. She had never seen a living room so colorful. She didn't want to admit it though; any embarrassment could arise any inspection. So, silence it was decided. 

"Make yourself at home. I'll be back with refreshments". 

The elderly lady left with her husband; their son and daughter-in-law though stayed with Arnold and Sarah. 

"Impressive", Stella told Sarah. "What is your secret?"

"It was nothing really", the girl replied. 

"Well, Grandma believed you were Grace Kelly", Arnold said. "You must have done something or have you had experience of acting". 

"I haven't but I knew a group of friends who perform in London's West End". 

"But a secret has been kept hidden. We just have to wait until it is revealed". 

Sarah blushed with embarrassment but Arnold showed a smile full of kindness and warmth. 

"I guess we should start on our Geography". 

"We'll leave you to it, kids", Miles said. 

"If you need any help or want anything, let us know", Stella added. 

Arnold and Sarah watched Miles and Stella leave the room, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. Their eyes were locked in innocence, like two young lovers walking into the sunset. It was if they were lost in time; locked away from reality.  

Sarah smiled as the couple left into the hallway. To her, Miles and Stella's love was like a fairy-tale; she re-imagined a couple, who fell in love and rescued each other before getting a chance to have their Happily Ever After. Magical, so beautiful and real. She knew not all couples were like that but it was wonderful to see two people together - and feeling happy. 

"Shall we make a start?"

"I guess so, Arnold", replied Sarah. "Geography, let's see you want you've got".

Hey Arnold: I Promise You ThatWhere stories live. Discover now